𝟬𝟮𝟰. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

i arrived at my photoshoot and scrolled through my phone as i got my hair and makeup done. i was a little bit nervous, i'd never done a photoshoot where i showed this much skin before. after my makeup and hair was finished i stared into the mirror for a minute. i had never been confident in my body, which is really inconvenient when you're a model. i looked at myself in the mirror for a while longer before finally gaining some confidence. 'i look good' i thought to myself, 'i have no reason to be insecure.' 

i finished the shoot and gathered my stuff before heading back to nessa and i's apartment. i texted kio letting him know i was done, he invited me over to sway and i accepted. "hey ness! i'm home" i say, walking through the door. no answer. i make my way around the house, looking for my best friend. "nessa?" i say, walking into her room. i open the door and the first thing i see is josh on top of nessa. "oh shit! sorry!" i say, shielding my eyes. "um, i finished my shoot kio invited me to sway so i'm going over there for a while. bye, i love you, have fun ness." i say winking at her. the girl rolls her eyes playfully before i close the door. i spend a few minutes touching up my makeup and hair before grabbing my phone and leaving the apartment.

i arrive at sway, and see kio right away. i run into his arms and hug him, and then pull away and greet the other boys. "did i miss something?" blake says, a confused look on his face. kio and i look at each other and then turn back to blake. "um, i guess we have feelings for each other- i'm not sure what we are- i mean i'm still getting over you know who- but yeah" i say to him, as his face changes from a look of confusion to a look of shock.

"HUH?" i hear bryce say from behind me. "kio you finally told her how you feel?" he says, a surprised look on his face. "and she liked you back?" he says, his face contorting into an even more surprised look. kio's face turns red as i try to hold back a laugh. i nod, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into a hug. he hugs me back and starts to lead me to his room as the boys make noises behind us. "if you guys fuck while we're in the house we'll never forgive you!" blake yells from behind us. i turn around, flipping him off before kio and i go into his room.

he hops onto his bed and i get in beside him. i hesitate before getting closer to him and laying my head on his chest. he seems surprised for a second but then wraps his arms around me and starts playing with my hair. i let out a sigh. we sit there for a while on our phones before i take a picture of us. i smile at the photo, "that's cute" he whispers. i nod my head and then turn towards him. "i thought things would be awkward between us. i guess just because this is all so new, but i feel so comfortable around you." he smiles as i continue talking. "you make me feel safe" i say to him. it's the truth, i feel like nothing can hurt me. 

this moment was so perfect, it was just us. i couldn't quite capture what i felt for the boy. i loved the way he made me feel like the most important person in the world. the way he told me i was beautiful, and complemented my personality. the way he listened to me, a lot of guys don't listen, but he does. 

our moment is interrupted when josh slams open the door, nessa close behind him. "you guys are together?" he asks us. "like a couple?" nessa says. kio and i both shake our heads no. "we didn't even find out we had feelings for a each other until today" kio says, shrugging. "we're not together, just..." "talking" i finish his sentence for him. he nods his head as we look back at nessa and josh. "YES!" nessa says, grinning. "i knew this was gonna happen when you told me you guys hooked up last night at the party!" my eyes go wide, and i turn towards kio. "you told her?" he asks me. "yes, i was drunk- and she's my best friend. but i didn't expect her to tell josh about my sex life!" i say the last part as i glare at nessa. she mouths a sorry to me and drags josh out of the room, 

"okay, well we're all gonna film a youtube video for josh's channel, can you guys please be in it? i don't wanna be the only girl" she says with puppy dog eyes. i sigh, getting up from the bed and looking back at kio, signaling for him to come with me. "okay, fine. i need to post the pics from my photoshoot today though, so can it wait a few minutes?" nessa nods her head. kio follows after nessa and josh while i stay back for a minute, editing and then eventually posting the photos from today. i hesitate for a second before i finally click post. i sigh, silently hoping i don't get body shamed before i finally head to the filming room where everyone else is.

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

i'm so excited to write the next few chapters, there's gonna be sm drama. also thank u for 11k reads ! :)

(word count 964)

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