𝟬𝟮𝟯. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

'talk about us?' i thought to myself, wondering what exactly he meant. my mind wandered back to our kiss and then to our night at the beach. "okay" i started to say out loud. "the last time i saw kio i slept with him, and the time before we kissed... fuck." i continue talking to myself as i start to get ready. "i just got out of a relationship. i can't be doing this shit, i need time to heal." i say as i wash my face and brush my teeth. "but then again, i can't be sad forever. maybe kio truly is the answer?" 

i put on a pair of jean shorts with a white lace top and threw on a jacket over it. i did my hair and i was almost finished with my makeup when nessa walks into my room. "where are you going? aren't you like- at least a bit hungover?"

"trust me, i'm hungover" i answer her, "i would do anything to be able to go back to sleep right now, but kio asked me to meet him somewhere so we can talk about us, whatever that means" i say, shrugging. "wait, molls don't you have a photoshoot today?" i pause for a second, and then a look of panic spreads across my face. "oh my god oh no.. no no no please no." i run over to grab my phone and unlock it quickly, looking through my messages with my manager. i find the one about the photoshoot and let out a sigh of relief. "it's not for another three hours" i say to nessa, we both relax and everything is calm again. she talks to me as i finish my makeup.

"okay i'm leaving now!" i yell to nessa, who is in the kitchen making lunch for herself. she walks out of the kitchen and pulls me in for a hug. "good luck" she says into my shoulder. "i hope it goes well."

i finally arrive at dunkin and walk up to the door. i see kio through the window and a smile spreads across my face. i had been so nervous for this, but now i just felt relaxed. "whatever happens, happens" i whisper to myself, walking through the door. i sit across the table from kio. "hey" i say, causing him to look up at me. he smiles and passes me a coffee. "hey, i got your coffee already since i have your order memorised. hopefully you didn't miraculously want something else this time" he says, laughing a bit. i smile at him. "just what i wanted, thank you kio" i say, taking a sip. 

"so... what exactly did you mean when you said you wanted to talk about us?" i say, getting straight to the point. kio's face noticeably drops a bit, "well... i don't know" he starts, "we kissed- and then last night- i know we were both drunk but it felt real. and i know that kiss was." he says. he's nervous for my reaction. i hesitate for a second, an awkward silence between us. i finally say "it was real." his eyes light up, and i slightly smile seeing this. "i felt it too."

"wow-" kio starts to say, i can tell he was hoping for that answer, but didn't expect to actually get it. "well, i mean what do we do now?" he asks me. "i'm not sure, i mean i think i could have feelings for you. i really do. even before all of this bullshit with nick, you were always there for me when i was going through something. you made me laugh when i was sad, you really cared. and you helped me feel good about myself. i had no self confidence before i met you, but you never stopped reminding me that i was beautiful, and worthy of love. i'm not sure how i never caught feelings for you. i mean- you're perfect" i watched kio react to everything i was saying. he seemed surprised, but also happy. and maybe a little relieved. 

"i never knew i helped you that much" he says, still looking at me. "to be honest..." he pauses for a second, seemingly debating whether or not he wants to continue. "i've had feelings for you since we first met. i don't know, it was just something about you. you're so funny, i love being around you. and you genuinely care for people, you always put everyone else first" i smile as i listen to him. "maybe- maybe if you're okay with it, we can try to see if there could be something between us?" he asks me. i blush, pausing for a second to consider. nick was in the back of my mind, i thought about it for a few seconds, but eventually my mind was made up. 'fuck nick.' i thought to myself, 'he never treated me right. he's not gonna control my life anymore i'm allowed to move on. i'm allowed to be happy.'

"okay" i say to kio. he looks up at me, a smile on his face. "take me on a date" i say to him. "really?" he asks. i nod my head and he gets an excited look on his face. "okay, i'll plan everything out, and i'll let you know when i've figured out the details." i giggle, and nod my head. "okay, i need to go now." i say pouting. "i have a photoshoot." we both stand up and exit the dunkin. once we're outside, i hug kio tightly and thank him for everything. "i'm glad we talked" i say to him. he agrees with me, and we stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds before he puts his lips on mine.  i kiss him back, the kiss only lasts a few seconds but it was filled with so many different emotions, all good. i pull out of the kiss, smiling at him. "bye kio" i say, turning away, "i'll text you after my shoot."

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

hellooo. v long chapter but i hope u all like it ! things are finally happening ahhh. but dw there will also be some tea soon which y'all might hate me for. okay bye love u !

(word count 1,045)

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