𝟬𝟭𝟰. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

"that was so fun" i sighed, walking into the sway house. kio walked in behind me followed by everyone else. josh and nessa headed to josh's room and noah went to his. that left bryce, kio and i. "i think i'm gonna go out" bryce said. "okay, be safe" i responded as he walked out the door. 

"hey", kio started, "wanna do something fun?" a smile spread across my face. "of course" i said excitedly. 

he lead me out to his car and started driving. "where are we going?" i asked, confused. "you'll see" kio said. he started playing music, his music taste was one of the things i admired most about him. i wouldn't even know about some of my favorite songs and artists if it weren't for him. 

kio's pov

i looked over at molly as i drove. she looked so perfect. this whole night had been so amazing and i was hoping this would make it 100 times better. 

molly had seemed really happy at dinner tonight and when the hollywood fix had a camera in her face. i think everyone believed her fake smile, but not me. i know she's hurting and she doesn't deserve that. i just wanna do everything i can to make her feel okay again. 

molly's pov

my eyes widened in excitement as kio parked his car. the view was beautiful, the moonlight shining onto the water. "the beach?" i exclaimed. kio nodded, smiling at my reaction. we both got out of the car and ran straight towards the water, but then paused realizing we hadn't brought swimsuits. we looked over at each other and i could tell we were both thinking the same thing. "i'm fine with it if you are" i said. kio nodded and we both stripped down to our underwear and ran into the water. 

everything was perfect. we just swam and talked and messed around with each other for what felt like hours. 

"thank you for this" i said to kio as we both swam near each other. "oh, yeah, i mean i just wanted to spend time with you" he responded. i blushed and smiled as we finally reached each other. i pulled him in for a hug. it was a little difficult to do since we were in the water, but we managed. "i love you kio, thank you for cheering me up" i said to him, "i love you too" he said, pulling away.

we stared into each other's eyes for a minute before kio started to lean in and before i could even realize what was happening, he kissed me softly. 

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

omg it's happening !!!! this chapter was so fun to write. also i hope ur all doing okay :) lmk if u need anything

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