Chapter 2 - Fresh Beginnings

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Andrei peeked his head out of the cellar door, seeing if anyone was patrolling the courtyard.

"Follow me. Stay quiet," he whispered as the girl finished climbing to the door.

He rushed toward the middle of the courtyard, trying to make it to the other side. As he did, the girl's hand separated from his and Andrei turned to see her running the opposite way of where he was going.

"Miss! Miss!" he called, frustrated. Knowing that he couldn't leave her, he ran after her. He could never leave her knowing how far his plan had stretched.

As he was running, Andrei saw the girl enter the house. "You're putting us in more danger!"

He followed her to the upper level and there saw her disappear into a bedroom. She was crouched under one of four unmade beds.

"We must go now!" Andrei rushed, anxiously gazing down the hallways to see if anyone was there. The girl returned to him with a suitcase.

The two finally made it back outside, unseen and unheard. Andrei realized they were on the other side of the house, where a massive wooden wall was built to shield the family from the public eye.

"Quick, follow me," Andrei commanded. He led her to a secret door that let them out of the wall. They were now on to the town's main road.

"I believe we are safe now. Let us start over. I am Andrei Dmitriyev. I am eighteen. What about you?" he asked as they walked.

"Citizen Romanova."

"You don't have to use that now since I'm with you."

"I don't know if I can trust you."

"I mean, what is your real name?"

"You know my real name." she says back, voice low and irritated.

"So you're the famous Anastasia that caught my buddy kissing your sister?" Andrei chuckled.

Anastasia didn't laugh. Of course she didn't laugh.

"I'm sorry." Andrei apologized, realizing the horror she had just witnessed not even twenty minutes ago. He was ashamed he even thought of making a joke at a time like this. He hadn't dealt with the notion of death in a while. Not even for Vita he shed a tear. He was accustomed to death. Laughed at it. Stalked by it.

"I have an aunt that lives in this town. We can stay there for the night. You need to get cleaned up."

"Thank you for saving me." Anastasia blurted out, clutching her suitcase to her chest. She appreciated his action, although something in her wished she hadn't.

Minutes later, they had trekked to the outskirts of Ekaterinburg, where few houses stood, one of them being Andrei's aunt. They entered.

"Wait here. I will get my aunt Dasia." Andrei mumbled as he disappeared into a room. Anastasia set her worn-down suitcase on a tiny table and looked around.

It was a small wooden hut, only four rooms. Two bedrooms, a kitchen, and bath. Dried herbs hung from the ceiling, giving off a strong scent. There was a fireplace in the corner, its embers light fading. Hay laid on the floor for padding.

Anastasia found the hut to be cozy. She had not seen a hut just like it before. Anywhere was better than the Ipatiev house. Anything was better than that cellar.

Andrei soon returned with an old lamp. His Aunt Dasia stood next to him, dressed in her nightgown. She looked to be in her late thirties.

"My nephew has arrived!" Dasia cheered as she kissed his cheek. "Who are you, child?" she inquired, just now spotting Anastasia.

Anastasia eyed Andrei. She knew it was dangerous to share her identity. "My name is Anya Fedorov. I have lost my way. I need a place to stay and I found Andrei. He has offered for me to stay here."

"I couldn't leave her outside!" Andrei tried to explain. "I couldn't leave her where she was!"

"I understand, but this would all be normal if it wasn't two in the morning!" Dasia looked at the clock on her mantle.

"Please let Anya say." Andrei begged.

Dasia took a moment to think. "She may stay here till morning. Then she is gone."

She looked the girl over, just now taking in her bloodied clothes and arms. "Oh my god! What the hell have you done to yourself!?"

Dasia almost fainted at the amount of blood. Andrei was grateful she didn't spot his clothing.

"Nevermind that. Why don't you draw Anya a bath?"

Composing herself, she answered, walking off. "Well then come along Anya. Bath and then bed. And do not expect another night! This is not a boarding house!"

Anastasia was quick to follow, nodding her head to Andrei before leaving. Their plan had worked.

After a hot bath, Anastasia slept soundly in Andrei's room. In the kitchen, Dasia and Andrei were sitting at the small table, drinking tea. Well, it wasn't tea. Just boiled water with herbs. The morning sun was just peering through the windows.

"Andrei Andreevich Dmitriyev, please tell me how and where you met her!? You come to my house at two in the morning with a girl you picked up off the streets! You're not even supposed to be here!" Dasia confronted her nephew.

"I know it sounds crazy and it is crazy but I will explain everything. This is a secret you must take to your grave. You cannot tell anyone." Andrei whispered.

When Andrei pulled his mouth away from her ear, Dasia was frozen in shock, eyes wide. "That was Anastasia! I thought the Tsar's family was in Tsarskoe Selo! I must let her stay! Will you stay?"

"Yes, Auntie, of course. I will stay for Anastasia."

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