Chapter 26 - Two Men From Russia

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During the last week of the month, Grandmama shared some news of hers. She had gathered the family into the saloon late one night to tell them.

"I'm despondent about saying this, but during the first week of January next year, I am going to be returning to Denmark. It's settled."

Ignoring what Grandmama said, Anastasia stood up from sitting, filled with rage.

"Why! You can't leave!"

"I'm sorry, Anastasia darling but I must. I belong there."

"No, you belong here. With us."

Maria was taught to accept what a person would want to do, but she just couldn't accept this matter.

"You're some of the only family we have left. You can't leave us like the rest did." Maria whispered, her voice trembling.   

"I'm sorry. Trust me. You'll be much happier here without me."

"We'll be quite the opposite." Anastasia objected.

"By now, you're the only thing holding this family together," Maria insisted.

"Don't worry. I'll still be here for three months. We'll spend lots of time together before then."

At that moment, Maria remembered someone Grandmama had to meet.

"Before you leave, you must meet Valentin!"

"Oh, yes. I've forgotten all about him." Grandmama stated sarcastically.

"He must come to England then?" Maria begged.

"Yes...I suppose."

Later the next day, Maria wrote her letter. 

September 28th, 1919

Dear Valentin,

Do you remember our talk of being officially courting a few letters back? Well, here's our chance! Grandmama is leaving England to return to Denmark during the first week of January next year, so now you could meet her before she goes! We'll be together! I know that there's still so much time until then but she must get to know you well. She's a very stubborn woman. I do hope you are allowed to come. You can even bring all of your family to stay! We have plenty of room. I miss you so much. I hope to see you soon!

Your loving, Maria.

Just as Maria set down her ink pen, Anastasia walked through the door.

"Just beat Vasili in a game of tennis!" she huffed. "You should have seen the look on his face!"

"I've just sent a letter to Valentin, asking if he can come to Sandringham. Why don't you invite that Andrei?" Maria giggled.

"Maria, he's not my lover."

"But it will be fun! You'll have someone older to mess around with. Think of this, new bait to prank."

"New bait to prank? This ought to be good! Maybe I will write that letter!"            


It was an early September morning and the sun had just risen. Andrei lay in his bed fast asleep when not a moment later, Dasia dashed into his room in her nightgown.

"Andrei! Andrei!" she cried, shaking him awake.

"What's the matter!" he quickly sat up. 

"A letter!" Dasia held it up in front of him. "We haven't gotten one in so long!"

Andrei's mouth hung wide open as he read the first few sentences. A huge grin on his face appeared as he finished.

"What's it say!" Dasia anxiously asked.

"Anastasia's asking if I could come to England to visit!"

"Oh, you have to go!"

"You too, Auntie! I'll ask if you can come!"

"But Andrei, I can't."

"Who says! You must!"

After thinking, Dasia sighed. "I'll come!"

"This is perfect! I'll write a letter right away!" Andrei bounced out of bed and searched for paper and ink.

He was so delighted he'd see Anastasia again.

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