Chapter 44 - A Briefcase and Its Context

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Andrei sprinted into the hallway to see no sign of Valentin. The lobby below was deserted, not a person in sight.

He looked over the railing to see Valentin rushing down one of the staircases, his briefcase in his hand, his suit tailcoats swishing behind him.

Andrei finally caught up to Valentin as he stepped off of the last stair. Rain poured outside and lightning flashed through the glass panels of the lobby doors.

"What's going on, Valentin!" Andrei demanded. Valentin turned around slowly.

"Nothing, buddy."

"Stop calling me buddy. What is going on?! I know something's wrong!"

"I swear on my life. Nothing's wrong!" Valentin tried to hide his plan.

"Then why did I see you carrying your suitcases? You were talking to a man in the hotel lobby."

Valentin stood puzzled. He didn't know Andrei had seen him. His frown turned to a smile and he started to clap. "Look, Andrei. You've caught me."

"Why did you have your suitcases," Andrei asked anxiously. "You can't be leaving."

"I am."

"Valentin, we're leaving tomorrow! You don't have to rush!"

"No, I'm really leaving."

Andrei knew now that he was not lying.

"Well, you are all leaving me. I'm staying here, in Paris." Valentin added.

"Why? You have children at home!"

"Now look here," Valentin muttered under his breath. He opened his briefcase to reveal papers tucked inside.

"Papers." Andrei sighed.

"Not just any papers," Valentin ran his tongue over his teeth. "Look closely."

Andrei gasped. "No-"


"Why, Valentin! You can't do this!" Andrei gripped the papers as Valentin tried to take them back.

"You can't take this! Maria and Anastasia need the money!"

The men pulled and tugged until they both fell back, torn pieces of paper in their hands. Both stood in silence for a moment as they heard Teresa Stolz's soprano belt through the walls of the theatre.

"It's too late. I've already signed the papers in my name." Valentin smiled.

"Unsign them! Do anything! The family needs the money now that Alexandra is gone!"

"I can't!" Valentin snatched the papers from Andrei's hand and stuffed them into the briefcase.

As Valentin turned to walk away, Andrei realized.

"You've never loved Maria."

"For a time I did, but then I thought, 'where's the money?' It wasn't until old queenie died so then I could get my hands on some."

"Don't disrespect Alexandra like that! Your family is already rich enough. What more could you want? Please, Valentin, stay here if you'd like but that money belongs to the Romanovs."

"Not anymore."

"You won't get it. I'll make sure of it!"

Andrei spun around to alert Maria when suddenly he fell to his knees, his head stinging with pain.

Andrei kneeled for a moment but then jumped to his feet and threw a punch at Valentin. Valentin threw up his forearms to defend himself but Andrei managed to push his elbows down and away to punch him again. Before Andrei managed to back away, Valentin grabbed his arm and pushed him to the ground.

Andrei's head hit the marble floor. He screamed with more intense pain.

"You haven't changed since school," Andrei said between shaky breaths, his face covered with Valentin's shadow.

"Indeed I haven't."

Just as Valentin was about to strike Andrei once more, he suddenly hunched over in pain. He dropped his briefcase which made a loud thump that echoed once it hit the floor.

As Valentin clutched his side in pain, Andrei could see Anastasia behind him.

She had kicked him in the ribs. And she kicked hard.

"Go, Andrei!" she motioned for him to stand.

Anastasia reached for the briefcase at Valentin's feet but was pushed away. She was slapped across the face by Valentin. Anastasia didn't flinch or cry out when he did. With his back turned, Andrei tackled Valentin.

"Go get Maria!" Andrei shouted as he pinned Valentin down. Anastasia sprinted back up five sets of staircases until she finally made it to their box.

"Maria!" Anastasia huffed as she opened the door. Maria, who was looking through the binoculars, turned to her sister.

"Come here!" Anastasia yanked Maria's arm. While running down the stairs, Anastasia explained everything she had heard while eavesdropping.

"What!?" Maria screeched.

"Yes! It's true! That's why he's been going to London! To get the papers."

Once the girls had made it down the stairs, it was too late. Andrei sat on the ground, holding his head, moaning in pain.

Anastasia rushed to Andrei while Maria looked around for her husband. She spotted a figure outside walking down the stairs leading to the theatre.

Maria ran outside into the pouring rain, her dress flowing behind her but once again, it was too late. Valentin jumped into a taxi.

Maria stood on the stairs, her shoes, and dress, ruined with water. Her dress weighed her down and strands of hair fell from her bun, but Maria didn't care. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

The finances were gone.

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