Chapter 46 - Change of Heart

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Maria's heart started pounding and her palms began to sweat. She felt this feeling that brewed in her stomach, rising to her throat which made the next words she said so hard to get out.

"You're-you're divorcing me?"

"Yes," Valentin said, ashamed. Clarice stood next to Valentin, thrilled with Maria's reaction.

"Valentin, you have children!? How can you leave them!?" Maria shouted, voice broken with rage.

"I already kissed them goodbye."

"What about your family!? You can not leave them like this?!"

Maria turned around to look at Valentin's family. Milana and Egor wore horrified looks on their faces while their sons looked at their brother with shame. Catia comforted Sinvoia who was crying into her shoulder. Even though Valentin had tried to talk quietly, the family had heard him.

"Just why would you do such a thing?! You already know I have lost so much! My family, my home, my country, now thousands of pounds Alexandra had left especially for me! Just as I thought, my life was going perfectly! I had a husband! Three children! Now you betray us all!?"

"Maria, I'm sorry-"

"No. You can't be sorry after all you've done. Go spend your money. Have a wonderful life with your new wife. Get out! I never want to see you again!" Maria yelled as tears attacked her. She didn't even care that people in the lobby had heard their entire conversation.

"Goodbye, Maria," Valentin said as he leaned in for a kiss. Instead, Maria slapped him across the face.

Valentin, surprised by this reaction, raised his hand to strike her. Maria stood in place, not scared at all. She closed her eyes, ready to endure the pain.

But unstead of hitting her, Valentin and Clarice simply walked out of the hotel. Once she knew he was gone, Maria ran into Anastasia's open arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Mashka, I'm so sorry," Anastasia whispered in Russian.

"How could our son do something like this?" Milana whispered to Egor, heartbroken.

"Now he's never coming home!" Sinvoia cried harder into his sister's shoulder.

Maria broke from her sister's hug, wiping her tears. "I shouldn't be crying over him."

Maria calmed herself. "Let's go home."


The four-day ship voyage from France to England was spent in silence. Maria's six years of marriage was annulled and she threw her rings off of the ship's deck, ready to let go.

It was around four in the afternoon that the family finally arrived back at the Sandringham house.

"Mama! Mama!" Vivianne and Elena squealed as their mother walked into the saloon where they were playing. Tikhon and Guri were on the other side of the room, playing with tin soldiers. Liesel sat on a couch looking after them. Anatolii lay fast asleep in a crib next to her.

"My darlings!" Maria bent down to hug them. After hugging her daughters, Maria walked over to Anatolii's crib.

"No accidents." Liesel smiled.

"Thank you." Maria sighed in relief as she sat on the couch.

"Where's Papa?" Vivianne asked as she played with blocks. Maria didn't say a word.

"Papa! Papa!" Elena bounced up and down happily, awaiting his arrival.

"Is everything alright?" Liesel worried, noticing Maria's hesitation.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒗Where stories live. Discover now