Chapter 20 - A Boy Named Hugo

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The month of May arrived. The girls often undertook many daring adventures, usually led by the fearless Anastasia.

One of them started with an idea that hatched one afternoon while under their beloved willow tree. Maria was sitting on a root while Anastasia was above in the tree, resting her head on a branch.

"I'm so bored," Maria complained, her chin resting in her palms.

"What could we do? Skip rocks in the pond?"


"Listen to the gramophone?"


"Go for a swim in one of the ponds?"

"We don't have swimsuits."

"Oh, faugh!"

Anastasia jumped off of the branch and hit the ground on her stomach. Maria rushed to her side as she stood up laughing.

"That tree is no match for the mighty Shvibzik!" Anastasia declared, striking a pose "Wait, Mashka! I have an idea!"


"Let's go to town! We need swimming dresses! Right?"

"Yes." Maria uttered nervously.

"So let's go into town! We gotta buy some! We would only be gone for a few minutes."

"Anastasia, darling. We can't."

"Who says so!"

"No one Nastasia. But Grandmama would be furious."

"She won't be furious if she doesn't know!"

"We can't!"

Anastasia dropped to her knees.

"Please, Mashka. Just once! We can see everything! We can even buy chocolate!"

Maria's mind flashed to about a month ago. She had seen that one candy store on a street corner. She remembered she wanted chocolate so badly that day. Maria caved.

"Fine Shvibzik! For a few minutes."

The girls walked back to the house while planning their adventure. They made it inside and walked down the hallway.

"Where would we find money?" Maria stated.

"Grandmama and Alexandra don't have any spare money. We could ask Liesel!"

"Then we'll have to tell her!"

"We could find a way to ask her without her knowing. I'm sure she has money."

"Anastasia Nikolaevna! We can't ask for her money-"

Suddenly, the girls turned the corner to see Oliver standing in front of them.

"Going somewhere?" he asked playfully.

"Um, um-" Anastasia stammered.

"Yes! We are just going-" Maria started.

"To our rooms!" Anastasia glanced at Maria then back to Oliver.

"But miss. Isn't your room that way?" he said, pointing in the other direction.

"Oh, right!" the girls turned around.

"Ah, ah ah. Come back."

The girls turned back to Oliver. They knew he had heard their plan.

"Well, you can't go out without any money now, can't you. Here." Oliver took a small bag out of his suit pocket and placed it into Maria's hand.

"For you. Twenty-five pounds."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒗Where stories live. Discover now