Chapter 11 - Stay, I Pray You

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December slowly dragged on. Christmas was lonely without barely any family to share it with. No presents, no tree - only prayers and a small dinner. Winter faded into spring, and news shared in early April shook the palace.

"We're leaving!?" Maria exclaimed, shocked by this news.

"L-leaving Russia!?" Anastasia sputtered, unable to grasp what was going on.

"Yes, our presence here is not wanted anymore." Grandmama paced the sitting room, a letter in her hand. Maria and Anastasia clung to each other on a couch.

"Where will we go?" Anastasia's voice grew smaller.

"England. We will stay with my sister Alexandra. A boat will be sent for us in a few days. I advise you to start packing." Grandmama blubbered.

"I don't want to leave Russia." Maria whispered through her tears.

Anastasia was still in shock at this news. She couldn't bear leaving her beloved homeland. She had visited England before with her family years ago. She remembered the trip was pleasant, but her family had only stayed for four days. Anastasia didn't know how long she'd stay this time. The girls sadly trudged to bed, but both were unable to sleep.

"How can we leave Russia! This is our homeland!" Maria whimpered.

"We must Mashka. We'll be safer there than we are here."

Maria was silent. Anastasia could tell that her remark didn't make her sister feel any better.

With a long night of barely any sleep, the pair began packing all they had left. They found every suitcase in the palace and stuffed them with every last belonging they had left of their family. Anastasia wrote her final letter to Andrei a day before they would leave.

April 10th, 1919

Dear Andrei-

I have received devastating news a few days ago. My Grandmama, me and Maria are leaving Russia to go to England where Grandmama says we will be much safer. I do not know if we will ever return to Russia. I fear we will not. We leave tomorrow in which we will have already left once you receive this. I just want to thank you once more for your kindness in helping me make it this far. I would have never seen my family again if it wasn't for you. Grandmama says we are staying with her sister, Alexandra, who is the Queen Mother of England. She says we are staying in Norfolk at the Sandringham House, so send your letters there. Again, please tell Dasia I miss her and her necklace is still around my neck.

Thank you for everything.

Yours truly, AR

Sister Sonya arrived one last time to give the family breakfast and to receive letters.

"I'm sad to see you leave. I won't have anywhere to go in the morning." she sniveled as she handed Maria a basket full of food. In return, Anastasia gave her the letter to Andrei, which she slipped into her dress pocket.

"Thank you for your kindness these past nine months." Maria and Anastasia hugged Sonya.

"I pray for your safe departure," Sonya made the sign of the cross with her hand.


The day finally arrived. The three waited outside in the front courtyard. The palace was dark and the sun hadn't come up. Only a small porch light was lit. Maria sat on her pile of suitcases, anxious about the journey ahead. Anastasia dozed next to her, laying on a row of chests. Grandmama stood a few feet away, pacing the ground.

"It's going to be alright, Grandmama." Maria yawned. Anastasia sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What time is it?" she muttered.

Maria looked at her watch. "About four o'clock,"

"The car should be here. What if they don't come!" Grandmama worried as she leaned against the palace wall.

"They have to come. They can't leave us here." Anastasia chimed in, half asleep.

Maria whispered under her breath, staring back at her beloved palace.

"Oh, but how I wish they would."


Soon enough, as the first light of day appeared and birds began to chirp, two cars pulled past the palace gates. The April air was frosty, and the palace gardens were beginning to bloom with spring flowers.

"Good morning Citizens Romanova. My name is Boris Semenov." one man introduced himself as he exited the car's passenger side. Maria awoke Anastasia and they both stood up.

"Why are there two cars? We don't have a ton of luggage." Grandmama asked.

"Since you asked Citizen Romanova, you'll be traveling in separate cars."

"Are you mad!?" Maria protested. Usually she wouldn't find herself talking back at moments like these but her life had changed, she along with it.

Boris only shrugged his shoulders. Anastasia was about to charge at the man, but Maria held her back. Anastasia knew she hated him.

"You two, this one." he pointed at the first car.

Once they were in the car, Boris slammed the door so hard it made them jump. As he turned to leave, Anastasia stuck her tongue out at him. Maria slapped her arm gently. "You mustn't do that. You'll be sorry you ever did."

But Anastasia wasn't sorry. She had absolutely no reason to be sorry.

Both were silent as Boris entered the car and motioned for the driver to leave. The sisters turned to look through the car's back window when they heard a tongue click. They turned around to see Boris peering back at them, cigar in his mouth.

"Don't look back there." he instructed, leaning from his seat to draw the window's curtains.

Anastasia ducked to avoid him. Boris moved closer, trying to grasp the curtains. Cigar smoke flooded Anastasia's face and she coughed as she slid down her seat, covering her mouth. Boris finally managed to close the curtains and leaned back into his chair, laughing at the sight of Anastasia crammed in the aisle way.

Maria extended her hand to help her sister back into her seat, but as Anastasia kneeled to get up, the car darted over a bump. Maria flew sideways while Anastasia fell backward, hitting her head on Boris's seat.

The two men in the car erupted with laughter. Maria blushed bright red as a tomato as she sat upwards. Anastasia's blood boiled as she climbed back onto her seat. She knew driving over that the bump wasn't an accident.

"You swine!" she shouted, unable to contain her anger. She felt utterly humiliated. The men stopped their laughter but still snickered at times.

The girls wondered if the car carrying their Grandmama was still following. Boris forbade them to reopen the curtains, so they prayed it was. Maria and Anastasia sat in the backseat, huddled against each other.

It was going to be a long ride.


An hour passed, and the car finally made it to the ship docks in Yalta. There a huge warship sat, awaiting their arrival. Boris opened the car door and watched as the girls stepped out. They both turned around, relieved to see a second car behind them. The girls ran to their Grandmama, who was surprised to see them in her arms.

"Are you alright, darlings? Did the men do anything to you?"

Maria and Anastasia eyed one another but didn't say a word. The group gathered their suitcases and set off for the ship. As Maria and Anastasia walked, they heard Boris whisper- "Goodbye, my dearies."

Anastasia turned around to see Boris grinning creepily, his tongue running over his teeth. Maria gagged. She was glad to be getting away from him.

The ship's loud whistle blew, and the boat started to leave the docks. Maria and Anastasia clung to their cabin's small window, looking out at the land.

"Goodbye, my dear Russia." Anastasia pressed her hand to the glass.

"We'll miss you."

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