Chapter 18 - Regret

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Anastasia sprinted through the courtyard, past the parterres, and the ponds until she finally made it to the willow tree. The secret was out. She felt terrible for ruining Maria and Valentin's love. Now her sister would hate her forever.

Dark storm clouds filled the sky. Anastasia was sheltered by the rain under the tree, and she stayed under for about an hour until she heard rain bouncing off an umbrella. Even though she couldn't see because her head was resting on her knees, she hoped it was her sister.


It wasn't her sister.

"Are you alright?" Alexandra asked.

"I'm fine."

"Why don't you come back to the house. It's awfully cold out here." the old woman shivered under her umbrella. Anastasia joined her. They both started the long walk back to the house.

"Now, what's happened?"

Anastasia began their story. Alexandra listened to every word her niece had spoken as they walked through the parterres.

"Maria had told me to keep it a secret. I'm such a terrible sister. No wonder I'm called Shvibzik. Do you know what Shvibzik means?"

"Imp? Devil? I know a little bit of Russian." Alexandra guessed.

"You are correct. That's just what I am. A dumb imp. Stupid, foolish-"

"Anastasia, dear. You aren't a bad imp. You are a good imp! You are loving, kind, foolish in a good way. You make people smile!" Alexandra interrupted.

"But I'll never make Maria smile. We've already lost so much, I don't want her to lose anything else."

"Oh, Anastasia. Your-"

"I just don't understand."

When she had made it to the house, Anastasia sprinted to her room but stopped when she saw Grandmama standing in the doorway. She hid on the staircase, peering around its corner to hear their conversation.

"Valentin is a wonderful man! I'm old enough to make my own decisions about who I trust! You must stop treating me like a child!" Maria tried to explain.

Grandmama exchanged a few words and walked away from the room. Once she was gone, Anastasia tiptoed to the doorway. Maria leaned up from having her face down on her bed.

"Go away, Anastasia," Maria muttered depressingly once she had laid back down, her face buried in her pillow.

"Mashka. I'm-"

"It was our secret! Go away."

Anastasia now knew her sister would never forgive her. Maria didn't show up for tea or dinner. She had lost her appetite. She felt like she couldn't even get out of bed. Now she couldn't love who she wanted. She had her sights set on marrying Valentin. Now Maria couldn't - it was all because of her sister.

Anastasia dashed to her room the second she finished dinner.

"Go away, Anastasia."


"Get your nightgown. Sleep in a different room,"

"But Mashka-"


Anastasia didn't know where to sleep, so she picked the suite next to hers. She dressed in her nightgown, lying her clothes on the chair next to the bed. She didn't even care about her hair or washing her face.

If the sisters were fighting, Maria was always kind and forgave Anastasia even if it was hard to overlook. Anastasia knew Maria would never forgive her. Overcome with burning guilt, Anastasia fell asleep.

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