Chapter 47 - Anastasia's Special Day

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And in the spring of the next year, they were married.


April 17th, 1928

"Wake up, Nastasia," Maria whispered, smiling ear to ear.

Anastasia's eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

"Today is the day I marry my best friend!" she sighed as she sat up in bed.

The family ate a quick breakfast and prepared for the wedding.

The girls of the house helped Anastasia into her wedding gown while the men and guests gathered at St. Mary Magdalene church for the service.

Anastasia's dress was ivory white and stopped below the knees. It had short lace sleeves, just reaching below the elbow. It had white embroidering from the chest to the breast bone and featured little flower-like designs sewn into the skirt. Anastasia insisted that she didn't wear a corset to shape her figure. They were outdated anyway.

(this is kinda what I imagine her dress to look like)

Instead of wearing a headband or a hat which was popular at the time for wedding outfits, Anastasia reverted to a cloche white veil with violet flowers stitched into it

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Instead of wearing a headband or a hat which was popular at the time for wedding outfits, Anastasia reverted to a cloche white veil with violet flowers stitched into it. The veil was altered so it reached just below her hips. Her bouquet was also violets, for it was her favorite flower. Anastasia's strawberry blonde hair was styled and curled which was the latest fashion.

"Oh!" Maria breathed as Anastasia's final dress preparations were made. Her sister didn't look like an imp or a grand duchess anymore. She looked like an empress, ready to conquer the world.

"You look so beautiful!"

Maria was one of Anastasia's bridesmaids and wore a violet-colored dress just as Catia and Sinvoia were too.

Her entourage was loaded into cars and driven to the church. The little flower girls, Vivianne and Elena, entered first dropping petals on the ground, then the bridesmaids and groomsmen which were a few of Alexandra's children, and finally the bride.

Everyone stood as Handel's Air started to play. Oliver walked Anastasia down the aisle just as he had Maria. Anastasia smiled at Olga, Xenia, and Anatolii, who was in Olga's arms, as she passed by. She also saw Dasia wiping her tears of joy with a handkerchief. Andrei received his bride with a smile and the ceremony began.

As the priest began to speak, Anastasia couldn't stop smiling.

This was it.

Anastasia took everything in and looked out at the rows of people. She lived in England with her sister, she was surrounded by friends and family that loved her, and she was with Andrei. 

The moment that a gunshot rang out and Anastasia's father crumpled to the ground that warm July night in Russia, the young girl of seventeen was convinced she was going to die. Now here she was ten years later, getting married to a man who she truly and wholeheartedly loved.

The rings were given and the two kissed to mark their few moments of being husband and wife. Press members and citizens once again stood outside, wishing well to their new 'prince and princess'.

The crowd cheered as the couple walked out of the church. The sound of church bells filled the air.  The wedding guests were taken back to the house where there was a reception in the ballroom that lasted late into the night.

Anastasia was so happy when she went to bed that night because she had finally found the love of her life.

She had always thought that she would never marry and claimed it was because no man would want her.

But one man did want her -  that man was Andrei.

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