Chapter 50 - The Russian Ex-Duchess & The French Artist

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Just as Marcell left, the ballet began.

Anastasia sat watching the show as she took the last bites of her chocolate while Maria daydreamed. She knew she should be watching the ballet, but she couldn't clear her head of Marcell.

He was tall with broad shoulders. His hair was light brown and reached just at his shoulders in waves. He was well-groomed and looked to be Maria's age, although she didn't know for she didn't get a chance to ask.

It only took one meeting for Maria to know she was madly in love with him. She hoped he would return to their box so they could chat.

Act one passed and the sisters watched as the ballerinas twirled in their elegant tutus. They marveled at the world-famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova who was playing Odette. Anna leaped across the stage with such grace that she made ballet seem effortless.

In the middle of act two, a tiny knock on the door was heard. Maria silently stood up, hoping it was a certain someone.

It was Marcell, a huge grin on his face. Maria walked past him and closed the box door, leaving the two outside in the hall.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you," Maria whispered.

"So am I," Marcell took her hand from her side and kissed it. He hoped she wouldn't be disgusted at his little act but she blushed, her cheeks turning pink.

"Come on," Marcell led her down the hall away from the box.

"Where are we going!?" Maria asked, a rush of excitement and adrenaline running through her body. 

"I have a good view of the stage that I know you'll want to see." Marcell smiled back at her as they ran.

Marcell walked into the opera house's lobby where he ran toward the marble wall. Maria didn't know what he was doing until he revealed a secret staircase that was built into the wall.

Somewhat nervous and scared, she was glued to Marcell's side as they walked up the stairs. They climbed the stairs for a few moments until they came to a closed door. Maria pushed it open and was blinded by light. They were in a hallway she had never seen before.

"This is the secret employee hallway. It helps us travel the house without the public seeing us." Marcell whispered.

Marcell led her down a circular-shaped hallway until they reached another door that Marcell pulled Maria into.

A blast of cold air hit the two as they walked. Maria could hear that the music from the orchestra was close. The two climbed a ladder which led them onto a platform. Maria gasped in horror and delight as she realized where they were.

"We're-we're standing over the stage!"

Maria looked over the railing to see the dancers twirling below them.

"Wait- can the audience see us?"

"No, no. We're good." Marcell reassured. "I like to come up here when I don't have work, or to watch the performance."

"It's a very clever place. A bit scary but nice." Maria chuckled.

"I have one last place to show you. Would you like to see it?"

They made it back into the secret hallway and entered another door. Both squinted as they entered. Maria realized they were standing under a huge spotlight.

She saw they were in the theatre; across from the stage. Marcell led her further until they reached another spotlight. There Marcell sat on a blanket on the ground.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒗Where stories live. Discover now