Chapter 31 - A Sisterly Bond That Nothing Can Break

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It seemed that all time had stopped.

Anastasia couldn't move or speak. She tried to talk but the words wouldn't come out.

On the verge of tears, she ran through the courtyard back into the house. As she stormed down the halls of Sandringham, Andrei who was leaning on the wall outside of the ballroom, spotted her as she ran. But Anastasia ignored him, sprinting past.

"Anastasia! Wait!" Andrei followed her. But Anastasia kept running. She didn't stop until she collapsed onto the staircase leading upstairs.

"Anastasia, what's wrong?" Andrei asked, climbing the stairs.

"Please, don't tell anyone this yet but I was outside after you went in. I heard voices. I went to see and-"

"And what?" Andrei sat down next to her.

"I saw Valentin and Maria walking in the gardens. Valentin got down on one knee!"

"He proposed..." Andrei breathed.

"She can't get married! She can't!"

"Why don't you want her to marry?" Andrei questioned the girl's stress.

"I'm fine with her getting married. I'm just afraid that she'll leave me! Oh, I sound like a baby!"

"No. I think it's perfectly normal."

"It's just...we have so little family now and I don't want us to be separated in any way."

Anastasia sat in silence, comforted by a hug from Andrei.

"I guess we should go back in. They'll be arriving with the news. Want to come?" Andrew wondered.

"I think I'll stay here. Thank you though."

Andrei entered the ballroom, sad that Anastasia was so upset.

Valentin anxiously awaited the time they could announce their news. Once the music had stopped for a break, Valentin grabbed a champagne glass and clanged on it, attracting everyone's attention. Tink, tink, tink!

"Hello everyone! I have some very big news involving Maria and I. We have received Maria Fedorovna's blessing. We are officially engaged!"   

The crowd reacted with gasps of surprise. Everyone rushed over to see Maria's ring. It was a diamond-studded with an aquamarine jewel in the center.

"Oh, it's lovely!" one woman remarked.

"Simply stunning!" another marveled.

About a half-hour later, Andrei pulled Maria away from the crowd. 

"What's wrong?" Maria asked.

"I think you may want to speak to someone." Andrei pointed to the ballroom's door.

Concerned, Maria left the room to see Anastasia sitting on the stairs.

"Anastasia?" Maria sat next to her sister. "Were you in the courtyard?"

"Yes..." Anastasia whispered, her voice small. "I wasn't trying to spy or anything! I only heard voices and wanted to see who it was. I didn't think Valentin was going to do that."

"Me neither. Why are you crying?"

Anastasia hugged her sister tightly. "I'm so happy for you! I really am but I don't want you to leave me!"

"Oh, darling Nastasia. I would never leave you. I'm staying right here! If I had to leave you after I was married, then I wouldn't marry at all. I've said this plenty of times. Nothing shall ever keep us apart."

"Good." Anastasia smiled through her small tears. "Because I couldn't stand being here without you. I know I can be mean and bossy sometimes but I love you so much and couldn't bear it if we were separated again."

"Me neither." Maria stroked her sister's hair and wiped her tears. "I love you too, my sweet Nastya."

"Your ring is beautiful. The aquamarine jewel! " Anastasia looked at the small ring on Maria's finger."Just like Mother's ring."

The girls walked back into the ballroom to see Valentin standing near the cookie table with a teacup in his right hand. They saw him spot the salt shaker on the table.

"Someone must have picked it up!' Maria thought.

Anastasia smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. They both watched as he sprinkled some of the salt into his tea, thinking it was sugar. They both erupted with giggles as he made a face at the taste of the tea. Valentin spit it out onto the ground, people turning to him and gasping in horror as he did.

"Your pranks are perfectly perfect!" Maria giggled. Anastasia put her hands on her hips and smiled with satisfaction.

"They always are!"

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