Chapter 33 - Matrimony

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Winter turned to spring and soon came the day Maria had been waiting for her entire life.

June 11th, 1920.

Her wedding day.

Invitations had been sent out, including one for Hugo's family. Sadly, Grandmama was having one of her sick spells so she was unable to attend, but she wished Maria well through a letter.

Anastasia was so happy for her sister. She rushed to her room the second she awoke, Joy running at her feet. After her engagement, Maria had moved out of Anastasia's room, much to her sister's pleads not to.

"Maria!" Anastasia burst through the door. Valentin was already up so Anastasia crawled in the bed next to Maria. She put her face to her sister's and watched as she opened her eyes. Maria gasped and sat up in shock when she awoke to see Anastasia's face only inches from hers.

"Shvibzik! You scared me half to death!"

"Sorry! Are you excited!?"

"Yes, I couldn't sleep all night!" Maria glared at her sister, but Anastasia knew she was joking.

"I just wish the family were here to see you married. They would all be so proud of you Mashka."

"Yes, so do I. But they along with the heavens are smiling down on me, blessing me with this beautiful day I will remember always." Maria smiled sadly.

"You've got a big day in-store! Get dressed! I think breakfast is almost ready." Anastasia could smell the food from downstairs.

"Right! There isn't any time to waste!"


Soon after breakfast, Maria and her entourage were to be ready by ten-forty-five. The wedding was to take place at eleven in the morning at St Mary Magdalene church just a few miles outside of the estate. Valentin, his groomsmen, and the guests including the King and Queen were already driven to the church earlier.

 Valentin, his groomsmen, and the guests including the King and Queen were already driven to the church earlier

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(This is kinda what I imagine Maria's wedding dress would look like. Simple yet regal and elegant)

Maria wore a dress of white tissue and a tulle veil covered her long chestnut hair. Her bouquet was white lilacs which was her favorite flower.

"Do I look alright?" Anastasia asked as Maria's entourage waited outside.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." Maria looked teary-eyed at her sister in her champagne pink colored dress. "Regal as a Romanov."

Charmian, Peggy, and Charlotte were also dressed in pink for they were her bridesmaids.

The cars left the grounds and drove to the church where they awaited cheering public crowds and more members of the press.

Anastasia watched with a bittersweet smile as her sister entered the church by the arm of not her father, but Oliver, who was more like a father-figure to the girls than anyone else.

Music from an orchestra blared, playing the song Maria had chosen for her special moment, Canon in D by Pachabel. The morning sun shone directly into stained glass windows, making the inside of the church shimmer with an array of rich, vivid colors.

Maria's heart pounded inside of her chest as Oliver walked her down the aisle.

This had been the moment she had waited for since she was a child. She was guaranteed that she was going to spend a long and happy life with her one true love.

Once at the altar, Valentin received his bride with a smile. The couple recited their life-bonding vows and after came the moments of the rings. Valentin gave his new wife a kiss on her forehead to mark their first moments of being husband and wife.

Staying true to her family and it's history stretching back all the way to sixteen-thirteen, Maria chose to keep her surname.

She would carry the name and legacy of the Romanovs for the rest of her life - an homage to the old life she once lived.

The new bride and groom exited the church to see crowds of people, cheering for the newlyweds. Their new prince and princess.

The wedding entourage was taken back to Sandringham for a beautiful garden reception that lasted late into the night.

Once the wedding was over and everyone in Sandringham has retreated to their rooms, Anastasia sat tucked away in her room, pasting the photos she had taken into a new album. A new album that marked a new chapter on the new long life of Maria Romanov.

Anastasia smiled at her favorite she had taken of the day.

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