Chapter 14 - Taste Of Chocolate

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"Wake up, darling. We are in England."

Grandmama placed her hand on the sleeping Maria's shoulder. Maria's eyes fluttered open. As she sat up, she remembered last night's events and slumped her shoulders in sadness.

"Anastasia, dear. Time to get up." Grandmama took the pillow off of her granddaughter's head. Anastasia, not moving from her position, pulled the wool blanket over her head.

"I'll have Maria deal with you." Grandmama sighed.

Maria returned to the room after using the toilet. She began washing her face with a wet washcloth she had found.

"Someone is having a hard time waking up." Grandmama pointed to the lump under the blanket. "I will be in the dining room for breakfast. It should be ready. Meet me there once you get Nastasia up."

After washing her face, Maria pulled the blanket off her sister. Anastasia sat up, her eyes closed, reaching around for the blanket.

"Mashka!" she whined.

"Get up! We have to get dressed and eat breakfast." Maria whacked her sister with a pillow, knocking her down. Anastasia quickly opened her eyes as she fell back.

"That's it, Maria Nikolaevna!" Anastasia bounced out of bed, snatching her pillow.

Laughter flooded the room as Anastasia chased Maria. When Anastasia finally managed to catch her fleeing sister, she tackled Maria to the ground and continued to whack her with the pillows. The girls laid on the carpet floor, erupting with giggles. Anastasia always knew how to make Maria feel better.

After a breakfast of hard biscuits and porridge, the family made their way on deck to leave the ship. Maria looked around as they walked on the deck, hoping to see Valentin. Her hopes disappeared as the group traveled down the walkway leading to the docks.

While walking, Grandmama whispered: "Only speak English girls."

Maria and Anastasia nodded. That was no problem at all since the girls were fluent in Russian, English, and French. The docks were crowded with Plymouth's citizens, who hoped to catch a glimpse of a few of Russia's last royals. Members of the press stood around too, snapping pictures of this meet.

In the middle of the dock, with guards positioned around, stood Queen Mother Alexandra. Her face was covered with a black lace veil that fell from her dark leather hat. Her brown hair was curled in a pointed peak upon her scarcely wrinkled forehead. She wore a long-sleeved ivy green dress with black designs of flowers stitched into it. The group walked to Alexandra as sailors followed, pulling their luggage behind on a trolley.

"Hello, dear sister." Alexandra held up her veil as Grandmama kissed her cheek. Anastasia snickered quietly as she spotted Alexandra's enameled covered face.

"Nastasia!" Maria hissed under her breath in English.

"These are my granddaughters. Maria and Anastasia. They are the youngest daughters of my eldest son. I'm sure you remember them." Grandmama motioned to the girls as they curtsied.

When the girls were in England ten years earlier, they had visited Alexandra and her husband, Edward VII, the King of England at the time. Now the King was George V, the second eldest son of Alexandra. The sisters only had fond memories of her, even forgetting what she looked like.

"Oh, yes, I remember! Such darling little girls!" Alexandra remarked as the girls leaned up from their curtsies. Maria and Anastasia knew they were far from little girls. The mature ages of seventeen and nineteen. Well, Maria acted her age while the childish Anastasia acted like a young foal that had run away from its master.

The family piled into the cars that were going to be driven to Sandringham. The hills of the English countryside zoomed past as their car drove down endless roads. Anastasia fell asleep shortly after and dozed against Maria's shoulder. Maria found it hard to sleep.

"How long will it take until we get there?" Maria whispered to Grandmama.

"I do not know. Try to sleep."

About a half-hour passed and Maria occupied herself by looking out of the window.

'Life seems so perfect here. Everything is so peaceful.' she thought as the car drove into a small town. As the car continued through, Maria spotted a candy shop on a street corner.

'How lovely it would be to eat candy! Or have chocolate ice. Just a taste of chocolate!'

Maria pressed her hand on the window as the car passed the corner, hoping she could just magically appear in front of the shop. She couldn't remember the last time she had eaten chocolate. Her mouth watered at the thought. 

Maria's eyes soon closed, and she leaned against the sleeping Anastasia. A few hours later, Maria's eyes fluttered open.

"Wake up, Maria! We're almost there!" Anastasia shouted with excitement.

The car was finishing its descent through a big town. Maria looked out the window, only to see another candy store on a street corner. This could be her chance to finally eat chocolate! She hoped the house wasn't too far away.

After leaving the town, the car stopped in front of black iron gates. The gates opened and they were driven down a beige-colored pebble driveway. Maria was glued to the window while Anastasia leaned over her, hoping to see the house.

The car turned a corner, and the girls gasped.

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