Chapter 27 - Salt & Sugar

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A letter was sent to the house from Valentin about a week later, accepting Maria's offer, boarding a steamship days later. Anastasia also received a letter from Andrei, accepting her offer.

'Of course, Dasia can come!' Anastasia thought as she read his letter.

Once Valentin had arrived at the docks days later, a car was sent for him. Maria stayed at her bedroom window, watching to see when he would arrive.

Finally, after lunch on a chilly October Tuesday, while watching, Maria spotted a black car drive past the house's gates in the distance. She sprinted from the window downstairs to the saloon while yelling:

"He's here! Valentin's here!"

Maria ran out onto the front steps, bouncing with excitement. Moments later, the family stepped out onto the porch. The car pulled in front of them and out stepped Valentin, a grin on his face.

"Valentin!" Maria screamed as she ran into his open arms.

"Hello, my love!" he smiled as she hugged him. "I've missed you so much!"

"How was your trip? How are you! I've missed you so much! Is Russia still beautiful? Tell me what it's like? Did you have a nice trip! Tell me all about it! " Maria squealed, too excited for words.

"She's crazy now," Anastasia whispered to Xenia which made her laugh.

The sisters led Valentin inside and into his room.

"Well, I'm supposed to help Liesel make a cake for tea, so I'm gonna go," Anastasia left the room, leaving them inside.

"Let me take your luggage." Maria offered, taking his bags.

"This is quite the place!" Valentin marveled, smoothing down his hair.

"I'm so happy you're here!"

"So am I."

"Here. I'll let you unpack. I'll come to get you at four because that's when tea is. The toilet is just down the hall if you need it." Maria grabbed the doorknob.

"Alright. Thank you."

Four soon arrived. Maria led Valentin into the dining room. Valentin spotted Alexandra and bowed.

"Oh, no need to bow. This is home! Now come sit."

As Valentin told them about his journey, Maria saw Grandmama studying him silently. Maria hoped she would like him.

Soon after drinking tea, Anastasia arrived holding a cake on a platter. It was vanilla, slathered in white buttercream, with cut strawberries on the top. 

"Bon appétit!" Anastasia smiled wickedly as she set the cake down in the center of the table.

"Merci, Anastasia! Vous aussi! " Valentin laughed as he placed a napkin in his lap.

(Thank you, Anastasia! You too!)

Anastasia wore a bewildered look on her face. "You speak French!"

"Yes! Also, German, French, and English-"

"Anyways! Let's eat!" Anastasia eyed the cake as if she were up to something.

Maria knew that look. She was up to no good. Maria kicked Anastasia's ankle under the table, Anastasia jumping when she did. Maria looked at the cake, then back to her. Anastasia shrugged her shoulders, unsure what she was asking.

"What did you do?" Maria mouthed.

"Nothing!" Anastasia mouthed back.

Maria knew that was a lie. She didn't want it to interfere with her and Valentin.

" Let's eat this amazing-looking cake!" Xenia proclaimed, grabbing a cake knife and cutting a slice. Her family all took a portion of their own, and Maria carefully cut a piece and placed it onto her plate. Anastasia watched, smiling as she did.

"One, two," Anastasia started as she picked a piece from her plate and held it to her mouth.

Maria did the same, but when Anastasia reached three, Maria watched as her family took a bite. When Maria saw Anastasia didn't eat her serving, she knew it was the cake. She watched as they all made faces, unpleased at what they were tasting. Seconds later, they all spat out their cake into their napkins and gulped down their tea.

"It's so salty!" Alexandra stated. Maria's eyes widened.

"Anastasia!" Maria yelled.

"Anastasia?" Grandmama remarked.

"Yes! She put salt instead of sugar into the cake to make us all gag!"

"Why would you do that?!" Xenia asked.

"It's Shvibzik's pranks. It's expected of her." Maria rolled her eyes. Anastasia sat proudly, pleased with herself.

After tea, Maria and Valentin went outside.

"I'm so sorry about the cake," Maria admitted. She always found herself apologizing for her sister's pranks. Valentin laughed.

"Oh, bravo to her! Never saw that coming!"

"I saw it coming from that wicked look on her face! She makes it whenever she's up to something!"

They walked further into the courtyard. Suddenly, they heard hoofbeats traveling in the distance.

"It's probably Nastasia."

No sooner than when Maria had said that, Anastasia rode through the courtyard on her horse, just missing plant pots as she did. Maria and Valentin fell into bushes trying to avoid her as the horse sprinted past them. Anastasia stopped in front of them.

"Meet Lavrenti!" she patted the horse.

"Nastasia! Why are you riding in the courtyard! You know you're not supposed to!"

"Lavrenti and I are rebelling!"

Maria scoffed. Vasili appeared a few seconds later on his horse and sped past the three.

"Well, I gotta go. Vasili thinks that he's gonna finally beat me in a race. That's never gonna happen!"

Lavrenti galloped away.

"Sorry about her, again." Maria apologized again.

"Never a dull moment with Nastasia around!"

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