Chapter 40 - French Holiday

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April 11th, 1926

During April, in the saloon, Maria announced that the family were going on a trip to France later that summer. She didn't want to use the money Alexandra had left so she had been saving money since her death. Everyone was overjoyed to hear the news.

"Paris? Paris! I can't believe it!" Anastasia repeated.

Everyone burst with overlapping chatter, discussing where they would go, what they would do, and when they would leave.

"Where's Valentin?" Maria asked, seeing that Valentin was missing from the group.

"He's gone to London today. Left before everyone woke up," Milana answered.

"A-a-again?" Maria stammered. He had begun to go to London almost every week for business he stated was nothing to worry about. But seeing as his recent absences were repeating, Maria knew she should start to worry.

"Darling," Maria started as she and Valentin lay in bed late one night.

"Yes, Maria?"

"Could you please tell me why you are going to London every week? You've been doing this for a month now. You can tell me anything. We are married after all. We shouldn't keep secrets from each other."

"My dear Maria. I would tell you if I could but I can't. I'm sorry, my love."

"How many more times will you have to go back?

"Only a few more, I'm sure." Valentin answered, turning his back to Maria.

"Goodnight angel."


August 17th, 1926

In August, the family set off on another of their exciting adventures, unaware of all the events that would follow.

"Is everyone ready?" Oliver called as members of the family finished hauling their luggage into the cars. It was early in the morning but everyone was full of energy, excited for the trip.

Everyone was packed and ready until Maria realized someone was missing. "Where's Valentin?"

"London probably." Vasili said as he walked past Maria who stood on the porch. The first few times he went, Maria didn't suspect anything. Now she knew something was wrong.

"I'm so thrilled we're going! I couldn't sleep all night!" Anastasia told Andrei.

"As am I! I think many happy things will happen when we're there."

Maria grew stressed as the cars carrying her family were rushing to leave. The front door opened behind her and out walked Liesel with the children.

"Mama, where you going?" six-year-old Vivianne asked her mother.

"To Paris!" she scooped her daughter up in her arms. Elena stood watching, as she always did.

"My sweet Elena!" Maria said as she put Vivianne down. Elena latched onto her mother's leg.

"Don't go, Mama," she begged.

"I'll only be gone for two weeks. I'll see you both when I get home."

With the help of Liesel, they managed to get Elena off. When they finally did, the little girl started to cry. Maria's heart sank. She hated to hear children cry, especially her own. After comforting Elena, Maria took Anatolii from Liesel and cradled him in her arms. She didn't want to leave him. She now knew exactly how her mother felt when Alexei would leave with their father to war headquarters. She wished she didn't have to say goodbye.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒗Where stories live. Discover now