Chapter 21 - French Lessons

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Hugo led them to a shop where displayed out in big white letters above the door spelled: Jantzen's Swimwear.

Hugo smiled as he held open the door to the shop for the girls. Inside it was dark and bleak. Swimwear hung on clothing racks all over the small store in color-coordinated sections. Two changing rooms, hidden by curtains, sat in one of the back corners.

"Mummy! I'm here!" Hugo walked over to a stairwell in the back of the shop, opposite the changing rooms. The girls could hear the clacking of high heels on the floor above them.

Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack.

At the top of the narrow staircase stood a middle-aged woman, her blonde hair in a tight bun with stray hairs sticking out. She wore a high-waisted violet dress that reached just above her ankle. She stormed down the staircase, clutching her dress so she wouldn't fall.

"Hugo! Where in the world were you! Paul told me he saw you go off with two girls-" she stopped as she saw the sisters standing behind her son.

"Mummy, these are my friends. Maria and Anastasia. The duchesses!"

The girls smiled awkwardly. The woman wiped the sweat off her face with her sleeve.

"I believe we haven't had a formal meeting. Rosie Bell." Rosie held out her hand. The girls shook hers in return.

"We're very sorry for worrying you. As you see, we were on our way to find a chocolate shop. We saw a bunch of schoolboys. Well, your son. We just wanted to ask for directions." Maria explained.

"I didn't mean to go with them. I wanted chocolate too, so we all went together. I had lots of fun!

"These girls are strangers. You don't even know them!"

"I'm sorry." he frowned. Rosie forced a smile.

"Well, the funny thing is," Anastasia started. "Even though we've brought your son home, we are also planning on buying swimming dresses."

Rosie led the girls to a back shelf when she saw Hugo standing on the stairwell.

"Go up to your room! Start your homework!"

"The girls said they would help me with my French!"

"They'll help you another day."

Hugo hunched over and walked sadly up the stairs, disappearing from view.

"Now, back to your swimming dresses!"

The girls tried on numerous dresses with Rosie's help until they finally settled on two. As they were leaving the shop, the girls heard a voice call out to them. It was Hugo, peering out of a second-story window.

"Can you meet me at the bench tomorrow at four? I promise I'll be there!" he called out to them.

"Bien sûr, Hugo!" Maria yelled happily in French.

(Of course, Hugo!)

He waved one last time before shutting the window. The girls walked out of town and continued alongside the road until they made it back to Sandringham's front gates.

"I can't believe we've done it!" Anastasia cheered.

"I know!" Maria's smile faded. "But now we need to go back tomorrow!"


"Didn't you hear? We're going to help Hugo with his French."

"Maria! You should have never said anything!" Anastasia scoffed.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒗Where stories live. Discover now