Chapter 34 - A Simple Postcard

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June 12th, 1920

The next day was so chaotic for the newlyweds because it was the day they would leave for their three-week-long honeymoon in France.

"Do you have everything?" Anastasia asked as she tried to get close to her sister. That was challenging since a group of servants surrounded Maria and Valentin, making sure everything was packed and ready.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Valentin walked out the door, still surrounded by servants while Maria stayed back to give her younger sister a hug.

"I'll miss you lots."

"I will too, Shvibzik."

"Say you'll send a postcard?"

"I promise."

Oliver motioned to Maria that it was time to leave. Anastasia gave her sister one last hug.

As the car started to leave, Anastasia wanted to race after the car, begging her sister not to leave. She didn't want to cause a scene although she was very concerned for her sister. They hadn't been separated since two years ago and Anastasia had dreaded this moment.

After the car disappeared, the group went back into the saloon. Valentin's parents, Milana and Egor sat on the couch chatting to Andrei and Anastasia while Valentin's little siblings were outside.

Leonid was twelve, Mikhail was nine, Catia was eleven, and Sinvoia was seven. Vasili, who was still twelve, was thrilled to have playmates. Anastasia and Catia had become close over the last few days. Catia was a prankster, just like Anastasia.

During Maria's wedding reception, Anastasia had caught her tucking a table cloth into someone's belt. If her plan had followed through, everything off the table would go crashing to the ground if the person had stood up.

"I'm a famous prankster and even I know that's too far." Anastasia had said.

While chatting, Milana asked a question that sent a shiver up the youngest Romanov's spine. "Are you two a couple?"

Anastasia gulped while Andrei smiled a bit.

"No, we are just friends." Anastasia answered. Andrei frowned. He wanted ever so much to be a couple.

"Oh, well friends are great too." Milana smiled, pushing her dark auburn bangs out of her face.

Anastasia and Andrei spent the rest of the day with the children, playing in the garden, where Catia challenged Anastasia to a tree-climbing race. Anastasia figured she'd still be the champion of winning challenges, just as she beat Vasili in about every race he begged to do, but surprisingly, Catia beat Anastasia by a few seconds. This left Vasili astonished.

'I really need to up my game!' Anastasia thought.

June 18th, 1920

Anastasia was very unhappy to be celebrating her nineteenth birthday without Maria. They both had never spent their birthdays apart. Although the day was filled with fun and presents, Anastasia still felt lonely without her sister by her side.

A few more days passed and now Anastasia had to miss Maria's twenty-first birthday. On that day, a postcard arrived from Paris. Anastasia shouted with joy as Liesel handed her the card. She sprinted to the garden where everyone sat, listening to the gramophone.

"A postcard!" she squealed as she ran. "A postcard from Maria!"

Anastasia cleared her throat and read it aloud for all to hear.

Dear Anastasia and all,

Valentin and I are having a magnificent time here in Paris! The weather is hot and sunny all day! The shops are pleasant and sell nice little trinkets. We are staying at a lovely hotel right on the coast of the Seine andEiffel tower so when we look out of our windows, we see it them both! I'm very sorry to have missed your birthday, Anastasia so I send all of my love in this letter. I miss you all and we can't wait until we arrive back home!

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