Chapter 55 - Britain's Young Princesses

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The family had a week to pack until they set off for London.

The sisters were terrified at the thought of leaving the place they had lived in for twenty-one years of their lives. So many things, good and bad, had happened at Sandringham. They feared the estate would be bombed while they were away.

One week seemed too short to pack their entire lives away.


October 4th, 1940

Fearful of the events that would lay ahead, the girls packed their belongings. The servants of Sandringham were able to stay with their families while they were away, but all were sad to leave.

Around eleven in the morning, the family's cars dashed into London. As the car passed buildings, the sisters observed some houses were in ruins. It seemed that a small gust of wind could simply blow them to the ground. It appeared London had suffered many air raids too.

About ten minutes after driving into the beating heart of England, the car drove onto the estate through a secret entrance.

The family gasped in awe as they entered the palace. It was a warm refuge from the bitter cold outside. On days when the sun was warm, it was nice out. When the sun was hidden away, it grew bitterly cold.

"The servants and I will show you to your rooms. Then you will join his majesty the king and his family for lunch." one servant instructed as he led the family down a hall.

Anastasia was so surprised hearing the word king. It was so odd that the sisters would lunch with the king of England. When royalty, it was always normal to dine with kings of far-off places, but now common people, it was only their past that allowed them to do this.

The family was told to unpack, bathe, and dress in their best clothes. The sisters bathed in the tub in their bathroom and dressed in their best satin tea dresses with panels of embroidered roses. They fixed their hair and wore pearl necklaces.

The servants escorted them to the dining room. A butler waiting outside of the room introduced the sisters with their royal titles as he opened the door for them.

"Presenting the Grand Duchesses Maria and Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia!"

The butler then addressed the rest of the Romanov royalty. The family bowed and curtsied before taking their seats at the table.

At the head of the table sat King George VI. He was tall with a chiseled face. He had foggy blue eyes and short brown hair that swept over his head. Next to him sat his wife, Queen Elizabeth. She had short brown hair that was fixed in a marcel style. She also had blue eyes like her husband. On the other side of the king, sat his two daughters. They both had brown hair and blue eyes, like their parents. Both daughters had their hair fixed in voluminous bobs, which was the latest style.

"This is my daughter, Margaret. She is ten-years-old." George introduced his youngest daughter. Margaret nodded her head to her peers.

"This is my eldest, Elizabeth. She is fourteen." George gestured to his oldest who smiled warmly at the rest of the table.

The luncheon went on smoothly although Maria's youngest children had to be reminded of their manners.

Maria and Anastasia felt so weird being waited on by servants. They barely had to move a finger. After Alexandra died, things at Sandringham changed. The family helped cook meals, clean the house, and work the lavish gardens.The sisters felt they were living their old lives, mingling with royalty and staying in palaces.

After lunch, everyone was given permission to look around the palace. Curious to explore the gardens, Maria and Anastasia made their way outside.

As they walked they heard someone behind them. They turned to see Princess Elizabeth running to them. Once she approached, the sisters curtsied to the princess. They hadn't curtsied for someone in quite a long time.

The three walked in silence for a few minutes until Elizabeth spoke. "How is life at Sandringham? Father says it's a wonderful place. His family used to have their Christmases there."

"Beautiful. It's a lovely home." Anastasia answered.

Elizabeth led the sisters around the garden.

"I love a good game of tennis!" Elizabeth laughed as she showed the girls the tennis court.

"We do too!" Maria squealed. "We'll all have to play!"

The rest of the tour was spent smiling and laughing until Maria brought up a question about the air-raids.

"London has been hit many times, our palace has been hit hard too. A bomb dropped on the grounds. It destroyed our family chapel." Elizabeth said sadly.

"We're very sorry."Maria whispered, ashamed for asking.

"It is alright." Elizabeth brushed herself off. "All of England is suffering so we must suffer with her."

The day passed and the sisters were warming up to the new environment of the palace. As the girls were going to bed on their first night at Buckingham, someone knocked on the door. They were just about to change into their nightgowns.

"Come in," Maria called. It was Elizabeth, still dressed in her day clothes.

"Oh, don't wear your nightgowns." Elizabeth informed.

"Why not?" Anastasia asked as she popped her head out from the bathroom.

"In case there is an air-raid. We'll need to get out of the palace quickly to go to the shelters or if we'll need to leave the palace grounds or the whole of London. You surely wouldn't want to leave in your nightgowns."

"Oh." was all Maria said back. There was a hint of worry in her voice. Air-raids were unpredictable. One could happen at any moment.

"I also came because I wanted to say goodnight. I hope you like it here. It's nice having other people here for a change. I get so tired of Margaret sometimes."

"I get tired of Anastasia too!" Maria chuckled. Anastasia, who heard her name, peeked her head out of the bathroom once again to see Maria and Elizabeth laughing.

"Hey! Are you talking about me!" she whined.

"Goodnight, Maria! Goodnight, Anastasia!" Elizabeth shut the door.

Anastasia came out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of pants and a shirt.

"Aren't they swell?" Anastasia marveled at herself in the mirror. Pants had become the latest fashion trend for women and Anastasia had longed for a pair so badly.

"A normal dress would be much better for sleeping." Maria stated as she lay in bed.

"Well, I like pants and i'm not ever taking them off!" Anastasia climbed into bed.

"All right! You do what you want. Surely I'm not one to command the great Anastasia!"

"I like Elizabeth." Anastasia snuggled against her sister in bed.

"She's a very sweet girl." Maria sighed as she let her head sink into the bed's pillow.

"I think I'll like it here."

"I do too."

"Goodnight, Maria."

Goodnight, Nastasia."

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