Chapter 5 - Wishing On Stars

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Andrei and Anastasia made their way from the boxcar to the train platform, miraculously unseen.

Only a few people roamed around, mostly the station's workers, preparing for the day.

"We're in Saratov, a port town on the river Volga!" Andrei called out, pointing at a sign.

"Yes! We are going in the right direction!" Anastasia eyed the map that stood underneath the sign. "Shall we get something to eat too? I'm famished!"

Anastasia hadn't eaten since she had left Dasia's house yesterday afternoon. She was so happy that she had decided she simply couldn't be caught up in such matters of hunger when finally seeing her beloved grandmother.

"Yes, we should. I'm afraid I only have twenty rubles. It would only get us about one meal here. We better use our money wisely."

Anastasia bent down to open her suitcase. Andrei could see in the suitcase that there were two small black books, a few bottles of coty perfume, clothes, and a small camera. When Anastasia closed the suitcase, she held up a small brown change purse. She smiled as she showed Andrei what was inside.

"How many rubles are in there!?" he asked, astounded by the amount of money.

"About ninety. Enough to get us good meals for the next few days."

More people appeared as Andrei and Anastasia made their way to a town market where they brought four small sandwiches. After, they made their way back to the station to check the train times.

"Hey, look! There is a train going to Tsaritsyn! That's in the direction of Crimea. We can finally buy real tickets!" Andrei cheered. "Since the train doesn't leave till five, should we explore a little? I've never been here before. We just need to make it here before five."

Anastasia agreed and the pair spent their free time walking the town, admiring all the different shops and the gorgeous mountain range that surrounded the city.

After strolling for a few hours, the two found themselves in a town park, sitting under a tree on a bench that overlooked the Volga. The late August weather was slightly warm with a nice breeze. Anastasia sat happily, watching a family of swans that swam in the river. Andrei thought this was the perfect time to confess his love for her.

"Anastasia?" Andrei started. He cleared his throat, unsure of what to say. Anastasia turned towards him but her eyes seemed to look past him.

"I know we've only been together. Well, not been together, but I would just like to say that-"

"Andrei! Let's take a photograph. This is a lovely place to take one. Let me ask that woman over there to take it for us!"

Andrei sighed as he watched her run away. He had blown his chance. 'Perhaps we'll get a moment of peace later.'

Anastasia and a middle-aged woman walked back to Andrei. She stood with him in front of the tree.


"Why do you look familiar? I could have sworn I've seen you somewhere." the woman remarked as she handed the camera back to Anastasia.


"I'm very sorry to break up your conversation, but we have a train to catch, so we mustn't be late," Andrei explained, trying to save Anastasia's identity.

"Wait! You're Anastasia Romanov! I knew I recognized your face! Here in our village! Where's your family! I'd like to take a whip at your mother! Your father too! The police will take you away! Kill you as well as your family! Serves you right!" the woman spat as she walked away.

Anastasia stood frozen, shocked at these words.

"We need to get back to the station," Andrei stated awkwardly as he heard the town clock tower chime four in the distance.

Soon enough, the train approached the platform. They found two empty seats and settled in, preparing for their six-hour ride. Like always, when on their train, Andrei fell asleep. It was only about three hours into the train ride when Andrei was awoken by Anastasia.

"I had another nightmare! They told me I should have died with them!"

"Who was telling you this?" Andrei asked.

"I don't know! I did see Maria's face before I woke up. I don't know! The voices sounded so familiar."

"Was it your family?"

"Yes...I think. I miss them." Anastasia shook with fear.

"Would it help if you talked about them?"

Anastasia didn't say anything. She turned from Andrei.

'Have I said something wrong? Did I upset her?'  the man wondered, sitting back.

He would just have to wait until the train stopped.


It was about four o'clock in the morning when the train finally made it to Tsaritsyn. Dry lightning lit the sky.

"Excuse me, sir! Can you tell us where the nearest hotel is?" Andrei asked one of the conductors that were outside. The conductor told them where the closest one was and even gave them his umbrella. Once they made it to the hotel, they bought lodging with Anastasia's money.

"Sure is cozy. Thank goodness there was a room open, or we'd be stuck outside!" Andrei relaxed as he sat on his bed.

Anastasia suddenly put her hand on her neck. She sighed in relief for the necklace that Dasia had given her three days ago was still around her neck.

"What's exactly is in your suitcase?" Andrei asked, curious. Anastasia didn't say a word.

Andrei's mind swirled again with thoughts. 'I've upset her! Such a stupid thing to ask!'

"It's just things of mine and my family." Anastasia said with a sad sigh. "The Kodiak camera is mine, but the bottles of perfume belonged to my sisters. They couldn't bear parting with them so I smuggled them into my suitcase. I also have photo albums. Mine from nineteen-fourteen and Maria's from nineteen-twelve. I was going to surprise her with it after the war or when we had left the Ipatiev house but of course..."

Andrei felt ashamed for asking. Anastasia was clearly teary but did her best to mask it.

After their little chat, the two went to bed. Hours passed, and Andrei woke up. He turned in his bed to see Anastasia looking at the photo albums.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were up!" she exclaimed, closing the book.

After dressing, the two left the hotel. They strolled through town as a light rain shower drizzled. The two were grateful that they had the conductor's umbrella. They found a clothing shop while walking to the train station and decided to buy new clothes.

"I'm afraid we'll have to savor the money now. I only have about forty-five rubles left." Anastasia cautioned.

"The next stop on the way to Livadia is Rostov-on-Don," Andrei observed.

The train arrived just before sunset and they both fell asleep shortly after boarding. Anastasia awoke a few hours later. It had to be around two in the morning. She gazed out the window at the endless sky of stars. She eyed one bright star and wished on it.

"I wish that a miracle could occur and my family could come back. Just for a day. Just one of them. Please."

She whispered the words under her breath as though they were too precious, too delicate, too untrue to be spoken aloud. Anastasia longed to sleep but she couldn't clear her head of her family. She sat back, shutting her eyes.

"Let this all be a dream."

She repeated this multiple times until she fell asleep.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒗Where stories live. Discover now