Chapter 42 - A Dance In The Park

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August 27th, 1926

The family frolicked the city, visiting museums, cafes, shops, and many other places.

Three days before they were to leave Paris, Andrei had a surprise in store for Anastasia. It was a perfect sunny, warm day and the family decided to spend it at Bois de Vincennes, a garden park located in Eastern Paris.

Maria, Valentin, and the others stayed together to roam the area while Anastasia and Andrei left the group to explore together.

While exploring, they walked through a vine-covered tunnel. There, Anastasia started one of her many random conversations.

"Maria says I'm too old to wear a bow," she said to Andrei as she adjusted the lavender bow that was nestled in her strawberry blonde hair.

"Do you think I'm too old?"

"You're twenty-five! Not even old! I think you should wear whatever you want. No matter how old."

Anastasia nodded in agreement. "That's what I've been trying to tell Maria!"

As they strolled, the faint sound of music serenaded their ears. Curious about where it was coming from, they followed the sound to the end of the tunnel.

When they exited the tunnel, they came across a small band of four older men. One held an accordion, one held a violin, another sat at a small piano, and one sat with a guitar. The group was just playing a song and a few people stood around listening to the cheerful music.

Once they finished, the sound of applause filled the air.

"Merci! Merci! Vous êtes trop gentil!" the man holding the violin exclaimed.

(Thank you! Thank you! You are all too kind!)

Anastasia spotted a few people tossing coins into an open violin case.

"I may have a few coins." she searched her dress pockets for any spare change. When she found a few coins, she placed a few into the case.

"C'était absolument magnifique!" Anastasia complemented.

(That was absolutely beautiful!)

"Merci beaucoup, madame! Nous sommes heureux que vous ayez apprécié!" the man answered, beaming with pride.

(Thank you so much, Madam! We are glad you enjoyed it!)

Anastasia turned away to leave when the man stopped her.

"Attendez, madame!"

Anastasia looked back at him.

"Êtes-vous ici avec cet homme là-bas?" the man pointed to Andrei.

(Wait, madame!)

(Are you here with that man over there?)

Anastasia nodded.

"Bien." he smiled. " Alors cette chanson suivante est pour vous deux."

(Good. Then this next song is for you two.)

Anastasia tried to open her mouth to explain that she and Andrei weren't together as in a relationship but it was too late. He motioned for his group to start playing.

"Cette chanson que nous jouons est pour les tourtereaux! Un et un deux et un, deux, trois, quatre!"

(This song we play is for the lovebirds! A one and a two and a one, two, three, four!)

Anastasia rushed to Andrei who was confused about what was happening.

"What's going on?"

"Come on!" Anastasia took his arm and led him towards the band. "Let's dance!"

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