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Jimin paced across his room with a bottle of olive oil in his hands. Jungkook is at Yoonji's home for their movie night. He is waiting for Taehyung to come back for the dinner. It's almost 10 pm and Taehyung hasn't returned yet. Jimin's anxiety is making it difficult for him to stay still. Taehyung never stays out this late, he is always back by evening. Jimin was planning to help Taehyung in physiotherapy, starting with massage and light exercises. Yoongi said that there are chances that Taehyung would walk again if he tries to. Jimin wants encourage Tae, he wants to bring back the Tae he knew. Even if they may not end up together he want happiness for both of them.
He walked towards the front door to wait for Taehyung. Yoongi was on the phone, he waved at Jimin smiling. Jimin waved back and clicked his tongue anxious to know about Taehyung.
"You look worried." Yoongi said leaning against the wall.
"Taetae isn't home yet."
"What?" Yoongi asked.
"I...I said Van isn't home yet. Do you know where he is?" Yoongi smiled at him.
"I don't know Jiminah. Why don't you call him?"
"I tried so many times, he isn't answering."
"Why don't you text him instead?" Yoongi smirked.
"I did that too but he didn't reply." Jimin pouted.
"Oh really? Try writing letters then." Yoongi replied.
"Ok I will.... What? Letters? What are you saying hyung?" Jimin flushed.
"Hmm letters are very romantic Jiminah and Van is into retro things."
"What Jiminah?" Yoongi asked innocently.
"Why are you saying such things. What if someone hears that."
"Hello everyone." Van's voice interrupted them. Jimin rushed towards him and took the bags he was carrying and helped him in walking. Van smiled at him gratefully and leaned onto Jimin's side.
"Why didn't you call Jimin. He was crying because you didn't answer him." Yoongi joked. Van's eyes widened and he turned to face Jimin who was staring at Yoongi mouth open.
"Jiminah sorry." Van said stroking Jimin's cheek making the man blush.
"Tell him next time you wander around or I may end up babysitting him. By the way where were you?" Yoongi asked seriously.
"With Rosy. My phone was with her that's why I couldn't answer your call Jiminah."
"Rosy? Who?" Jimin asked confused.
"Ummm a friend. We went to watch movie." Van replied happily. Jimin stiffened even Yoongi smile dissapeared as he stared at Jimin's pale face.
"Ok, then goodnight guys." Yoongi walked away with a pouty face.
"Did you eat?" Jimin asked
"Yes we went to a nearby restaurant after the movie." Van replied sitting down on couch.
"Oh that is good, do you need anything?" Jimin asked shuffling on both foot.
"No thanks Jiminah, I am so tired I just want to sleep."
"Ok good night Van." Jimin smiled and walked towards the kitchen. Tears kept falling as he silently transferred the untouched dinner into tupperware. He placed the bottle of olive oil in front of Van's door and rushed to his room as fast as possible.
He slid down to the floor sobbing. What was he even thinking? That everything will be fine this time.
No, the truth is some people doesn't deserve to be loved, they doesn't deserve to be happy. Of course Jimin can't be happy, people like him were born to  suffer. He should have learned it by now, but his stupid heart keeps hoping, it keeps yearning for happiness.
He stared their photos with teary eyes. Why does fate has to be so cruel to him. Why him? Why does everyone leave him? Why? Why is there no hope in his life? Why is every door he opens is a dead end? Why?
'This is Van. This is not your Taetae, your soulmate. He won't return. He is dead.' the voices in his head was loud and clear. Jimin stood up and punched the wall. When will he reach the other end of the tunnel.

"Jiminie?" Van knocked his door. Jimin kept on staring at the photos on his wall. 'he is dead, my Taetae won't come back.'
"Jiminah are you awake?" Van asked louder. Jimin wiped his tears and switched off the lights before opening the door. Van smiled at him lifting the olive oil bottle.
"Did you buy this for me?" He asked excitedly."
"Yes, I read somewhere, olive oil is good for massages."
"Ahh really. Jiminah you are so nice. You are an angel." Van hugged him. Jimin felt nothing, his insides were crumbling, mourning the loss of his soulmate.
"I was planning to massage your leg tonight. But you are tired so maybe we can do it some other time, when you are free."
"Nope." Van intertwined their fingers and dragged him towards the kitchen.
"Do you need something?" Jimin asked. Van didn't reply he pushed Jimin to sit on the chair and walked towards the cabinet to take out two cup noodles. He silently prepared the noodles while Jimin blankly stared the back of his head.
"I know you didn't eat the dinner. Jiminah you should never sleep empty stomach. It's not good for your health." Tae said placing the hot noodles on the table and settling down across Jimin.
"Sometimes....." Jimin paused staring at the noodles. 'What a cruel joke?' he thought.
"Sometimes what Jiminah?"
"Sometimes I like to be pampered Van." Jimin said slurping the noodles. Van didn't reply, he stared Jimin fondly.
"I would love to do that." He said. Jimin pretended to be lost in his thoughts, he pretended that he didn't see the blush in Van's cheeks, he pretended to ignore how Van was smiling at him the way Tae used to. He pretended that all this never happened. He pretended that his heartbeat didn't race when their eyes met.

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