Web of lies

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Warning : Mention of rape and death.

Jin smiled at the the sleeping baby in his lap, he gently cards his finger through NamJin's curly hair. The baby pouts and cuddled further into Jin's lap, mumbling. it's has been five days since he left, to his surprise he didn't the regret it, if anything he felt relieved. Even NamJin appeared to be happier. Jin left his phone in their home, he hasn't heard from Namjoon since then. Maybe he is happy with Jin's decision and must have moved on. Its good everything ended on a happy note. Jin decided to move in with Leah who was more than happy to have a company in her lonely home.
"Where were you all night?" Jin asked in mock stern tone.
"Ahh Appa, I thought you must be sleeping.." Leah played along.
"Ahh kids these days all they do is party all night, you know how scared I was for you." Jin gasped dramatically. Leah giggled and plopped down on the couch.
"Is this how you are going to be when NamJin grows up." She asked kissing the baby's forehead.
"I don't know about that. I want him to trust me. I want to be his strength. You know, like when he feels tired or lost, he knows that he can relay on this old man's shoulder."
Leah looked at him with a smile.
"Jin hyung, I promise you everything will be fine just as it used to be."
"I don't know Leah, if that's what I want. But leave that matter. My priorities have changed. Seriously, where were you last night?"
"Hmm. I met someone."
"No, Jimin's brother." Leah said taking out her notepad.
"Really he is in Seoul?" Jin asked surprised.
"Yeah, he is a rookie cop. I was shocked when he contacted me. Jimin and him weren't that close. Even when their family disowned Jimin, Jaemin chose to be silent."
"So what changed?" Jin frowned.
"Regret." Leah yawned.
"Wait I will make some hot chocolate for you."

The both settled down on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate.
"So Jaemin isn't happy with the way Jimin's case was handled, that's why he became cop." Leah said.
"Wow, all this years you ignore your brother and suddenly you feel bad for him. Now you want to play the good cop." Jin rolled his eyes.
"Jimin's parents were in a toxic relationship hyung I won't blame that kid."
"Did they change?"
"Yeah kind off,.. they didn't seem affected by news of Jimin's death. If anything they look happier."
"They will go to hell Leah ." Jin pinched tip of his nose to control his anger.
"But Jaemin, he regrets everything. He blames himself for whatever happened to Jimin."
"What does he think about all this?"
"He doesn't believe what cops said, he thinks they are hiding something or protecting someone. Someone who is behind Jimin's death."
"Hyung calm down."
"I can't help it, it has been three years Leah, three f*cking years. It's so frustrating. Is this Jaemin even trustable, will he really help us."
"I think we can trust him hyung. He is trying to find the truth but not as a cop."
"You mean he is scared of losing job?"
"He is just a rookie hyung, he has limitations and he doesn't trust his seniors. He still pretends to be hating his brother and remain unaffected by his brother's death."
"Why?" Jin asked.
"He didn't say anything but he hinted about few corrupted officers in the top."
"Jimin was basically a nobody. Why would people be bothered to hurt him.?" Jin asked.
"Taehyung.... He wasn't a nobody hyung. Everything is connected with him and his family. Jaemin feels the same."
"What did he say?"
"He wasn't comfortable speaking in public place so I invited him here. He will be here soon with all the evidence he collected." Leah said.
"Can we trust him Leah?" Jin asked seriously.
"Do we have a choice hyung?"
"Ok! go eat something and sleep. I will wake you up when he is here."

Jin was searching for jobs on the internet, when the door bell rang. Jaemin had similar eye smile, he looked like a exact replica of Jimin. Maybe a bit taller and rugged.
"Come in. I was waiting for you." Jin said smiling.
"Thank you sir." Jaemin said bowing nervously.
"Call me hyung." Jin gestured him to sit down.
"Umm where is Leah?" Jaemin asked awkwardly.
"Leah!! wake up Jaemin is here." Jin shouted and got a sleepy hum in response.
"Jaemin don't be scared of me. I am upset about the way you treated Jimin but I don't live in past."
"I just .... I miss him hyung. I blamed him for everything, he suffered alone. He tried to mend everything but I kept on  ignoring him. I could have saved him. I let him down, I let him die." Jaemin replied with teary eyes.
"Jaemin, Jimin will get justice. Promise."

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