Maid for help

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Leah stood in front of Park mansion's enormous gate. She stared at the structure of this enormous building with mouth wide open. She will start working here as Park Ann's personal maid. She had to spent a good amount of her savings to get the connections right.
"Are you going inside?" Jin asked from inside the car.
"Hyung I have done a lot of things in my life but nothing like this. I don't even know how to cook properly." She exhaled.
"Yeah!!! you are going to work as a maid. I am sure they will have a lot of people to cook. Don't overthink. Just pretend to be dumb everything will be fine." Jin advised.
"Ok,....I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. Hyung I am scared."
"Just think about why we are doing this and you will be fine." Jin said.
"I know." She whispered to her self and pressed the button in front of the gate. She waved Jin last time before getting inside. The gaurd scanned her and checked her documents before letting her inside. The place is huge as almost as big as a shopping mall.
"Woah!! Is this place really someone's home? " She muttered. The man leading her turned to look at her.
"It's huge. Are they not scared to live in this place. Oh my god do they even get out of their rooms at night." She asked the man innocently. The man shook his head.
"That's why they have maids." He replied.
"What?" Leah asked in shock. The man smirked at her. 'Idiot' Leah thought. A woman was waiting for them at the door. The man whispered something to the woman and left them. She instructed Leah to follow her. They walked silently through a hallway. Each corner of the hallway was monitored by the camera. ' this place looks like a warzone.' Leah rolled her eyes inwardly. The place was dripping of wealth. Golden artifacts, expensive paintings, million dollars wall decor and what not. Leah pretended to be scared and looked down at the floor. They stopped in front of a door.
"Wait here, till we verify your documents." The woman instructed opening the door. Leah bowed and got inside the room. She knows it's a test to check her and she is more than prepared for it. Jin trained her for three days for this. She settled down on the couch and exhaled deeply. The room is almost empty, there's a table and couch and few potted plants. And of course there is atleast three surveillance cameras. Leah stared at the white wall waiting for the time to pass. Around 30 minutes later the woman returned along with few forms.
"Read it carefully before signing." She instructed. Leah nodded and read the the paper, she is hoping the spy cam on her ring will be able to catch the contents of the form clearly. The form is a non disclosure agreement and the consequence of breaking the agreement.
"I agree to all of it." Leah replied.
"You have to sign it." The lady instructed.
"Oh yeah, sorry." She sighed the agreement.
"You are lucky we are in short of time otherwise people like you would never be be given an opportunity to be associated with the Parks." The woman snarled.
"I am grateful for that." Leah bowed.
"Who is the guy who dropped you?"
"My roommate, I don't know how to drive so he gave me a lift."
"Hmm, relationship status."
"My boyfriend dumped me three months ago. Actually he cheated on me with his best friend, I felt torn you know we dated for 4 years and this is how it ended. But last week a childhood friend asked me out, he works here in Seoul. I am excited for this relationship." Leah replied cheerfully.
"You talk too much. This is your work schedule go through it carefully. Read it as many times as you want because I don't give second chances."
"Ok ma'am." She read the paper carefully, it contained Park Ann's schedule and her medicine dosages. She pointed her ring closer to capture the name of the medicine, the dosages were really heavy. There is nothing much to be done, she needs to wake Ann every day and make sure she takes medicine on time and go back to sleep on time. Leah reads it again just to understand what is going on. What exactly happened to Park Ann that she is reduced to a morbid.
"Ok ma'am I have read it and I assure you I would do my job dutifully." Leah bowed.
"Good for you. Just know that there are millions lined up for this job." The woman smirked.
'One day I am going to punch your face just wait for it. Your pompous *ss is going to beg for mercy.' Leah thought.
"I know ma'am."
"Miss Ann is up already. Feed her and make sure she takes her medicine on time." The woman instructed Leah to follow her.
They walked towards the further end of the the mansion, the hallway to park Ann's room is heavily surveyed through atleast a dozen of cameras. It made Leah nervous. ' something is really fishy here.' The woman opened the door without knocking.
"Miss Park, your new maid is here." The woman gave Leah a stern look before leaving without a word. Leah stared inside the dark room, she couldn't make much of it, there is a lump on the bed. The curtains were drawn in to prevent the light from entering the room. Leah closed the door and cleared her throat.
"Miss Park, Hello I am your new maid. You can call me Leah." She said tentatively walking towards the bed. There was no reply or movement. Leah stood by the bed trying to assess the condition of the room. It was almost empty no furniture except for the bed and bedside table, the wall was devoid of any decoration or any surveillance cameras. 'so depressing.' Leah thought.
"Miss Park, please wake up." She said loudly. Ann groaned and sat down on the bed.
"Do you want me to open the the blinds ma'am."
"Why are you here? What do you want from me?" Ann asked annoyed.
"I am your new maid Leah."
"Did they sent you to kill me."
"No ma'am. I am here to help you." Leah replied confused.
"LAIR." Ann threw a pillow on Leah. She dodged it carefully and looked at Ann with wide eyes. 'The f*ck.' she thought.
"Miss Park, are you ok?"
"I know you. You will kill me. How much did they pay you? Huh tell me!!! TELL ME." Ann walked towards Leah with a pillow.
"No, Miss Park. I am here to help you." Leah whispered she was low-key scared, she backs off towards the wall.
"Help me? Huh you will help me? How are you planning to do that? Tell me Leah? How? I know your type. You dirty lair, I am not falling this time. Your dirty tricks won't work this time. I know you." Ann started beating Leah with the pillow.
"Ma'am, trust me. Ouch.... Ok that hurts." Ann kept on thrashing her with the pillow. Leah took a deep breath and pushed Ann against the wall. She pinned her down with her own body. There faces inches away. Leah prayed to God there are no hidden cameras in the room. This is not how she planned things to be.
"I like brats. Really... I love them as long as I am incharge. " She whispered pressing her body against the Ann's. She could feel Ann's body going limp against hers.
"You have to trust me Miss Park. I won't hurt you."
"Everybody says that." Ann whispered.
"You don't have a choice Miss Park." Leah said putting some distance between them. Ann sat on the floor hugging the pillow tightly.
"I am going to open the curtains and then you will eat your breakfast like a good girl." Leah said walking towards the window and opening the curtains.
"My eyes." Ann said annoyed hiding her face in the pillow.
"Are you into that vampire thingy." Leah teased.
"Go away." Ann whinned.
"I am not going anywhere without you." The reply made Ann blush, she looked away.

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