waking her for cuddles when you can't sleep

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You're beginning to feel frustrated. As time continues to tick by, you lie awake. You tried to busy yourself by watching Tzuyu sleep. For a little while, the steady rise and fall of her back calmed you. But every time you glance over at the clock only to find that several minutes have gone by and you still don't feel tired, your mind tends to wander.

You let out a long, heavy sigh and brushed your hands over your face.

When you did so, Tzuyu rolled over to face you. Eyes still closed, breathing still slow and steady; she was still sleeping. There was a tug at your heart, a sudden urge to awake her. The thought has crossed your mind several times tonight but you've tried to rid it from your brain, telling yourself she's worn out and tired and needs her rest.

But you do too, and it seemed like the thought of her holding you close brought you the most comfort.

You moved your hand to her arm. You let it fall gently before brushing your fingertips along her skin slowly and softly. She stirred a little but didn't really wake up till you whispered her name a couple of times.

"Y/N?" She mumbled as she opened her eyes, regretting it when she was met with darkness.

"Yeah. Tzuyu, I can't sleep."

"Okay. What do you need? What can I do for you?"

It warmed your heart to know that she was so willing to help you, despite her still being half asleep.

"I just want you to hold me."

You watched a smile tug at her lips and she patted the spot beside her. There wasn't much space between you, to begin with, but she wanted you as close as possible.

Happily, you scooted closer to her. She immediately tangled her legs with yours and put her arm around your stomach to hold you securely. Lips brushing your cheek softly, you felt her breath hit your skin as she whispered, "That better?"

"Yeah." You nodded. "I always feel better when you hold me." You said as you dropped your head against your chest and let a contented sigh fall from your lips.

Despite how tired Tzuyu felt, she was still staying awake till you fell asleep.

"Well, in that case, I'll never let you go." She whispered and buried her lips in your hair, kissing across the crown of your head lovingly. "Sleep tight, Y/N. Remember that I'm right here if you need anything and I love you lots."

"Love you too," you mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

It was a few minutes later when Tzuyu finally let her heavy eyes close once more. When she knew you were sound asleep and would get the rest you deserved.

Tzuyu Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now