she wants to cuddle

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You tried to hold back your smile when you felt Tzuyu tug at your sleeve again and again.

For the first time since you picked your book up over an hour ago, you turned your head to look at her, and the pout on her lips was too cute for words.


You always love the way your name sounds falling from her lips, even now when it came out as more of a whine than anything else.


She leaned her head on your shoulder. Giving you her big brown eyes, she asked you a question weighing on her mind since you first opened that book. "How many more pages do you have to go till you finish the book?"

"A little under a hundred."

Her eyes went wide at your words. She looked a little sad after that. She knows you love to read and she can see why. Throwing yourself into a book is a feeling unlike any other! But you've been reading for almost two hours and she wants to spend some time with you.

"Why do you ask, baby?" You asked her as one of your hands felle to her thigh while you ujsed the other to keep your place in the book.

"I really wanna cuddle! Things have been a little hectic lately and we both have free time and I wanna spend mine with you." She said and when you met her eyes you could see the look of hope they held.

She was so sweet; always melting your heart and making her fall even more in love with her.

You watched her eyes light up when you reached for your bookmark so you could keep your place and continue where you left off later. As soon as you closed your book she was throwing her arms around you.

You laughed and hugged her back, letting her pull you into her embrace as she fell back against the couch. With your head right on her shoulder, you brushed your fingers along her cheek, feeling her soft skin under your the tips of your fingers.

"I'm always down for a good cuddle session with my favorite girl!"

"Really?" She wondered with a smile on her face.

"Really. I might love a good book but nothing makes me happier than you do."

She leaned down to kiss you, letting your lips lock for a second before she pulled away and let her head fall to yours. She tangled her legs with yours before she was bringing you back in for another kiss.

You could see it now; she was much happier now that she was cuddling with you, and you were just as happy, too.

Tzuyu Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now