you have morning sickness (requested)

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"Hey, Tzuyu," Momo greeted as Tzuyu walked into the kitchen of the dorm, where all of the girls were gathered around.

They watched Tzuyu head to the fridge to grab some water and noticed that she was dragging her feet with every step she took.

When she turned to face them just to send them a small tired smile and say good morning to them, they realized that she looked exhausted.

"Everything okay?" Nayeon asked.

"Y/N's sick again," Tzuyu said with a sad sigh.

"Morning sickness?" Jihyo frowned and they all watched as Tzuyu confirmed her question by nodding.

"There's no way I'm going to make it into the studio. It's almost seven and she's been awake since five throwing up. I need to be here for her."

They all understood Tzuyu and completely agreed that it was what was best.

Tzuyu has been missing a couple of days here and there lately because of you being so sick but the girls know and the company knows the reason why, so they were letting her slide a bit to care for you.

Besides, it's not just you that is feeling unwell.

With her lack of sleep, while taking care of you, she's been feeling a little icky lately, too.

But, to Tzuyu, she's perfectly okay with lacking a little sleep. It's nothing new to her and she'd rather take care of you, anyway.

After all, you're going through all of this terrible morning sickness for the baby that you and Tzuyu have dreamt of having for the longest time and went through a lot to get.

It's always worth it.

"We understand. Take care of your babies and get some rest." Jeongyeon smiled.

Tzuyu went to the cupboards, pulling out some bread and some crackers, as well as some white rice.

She quickly started to make the toast and she set the rice aside, making it the backup plan if the toast or crackers make you feel sick.

"That's an interesting breakfast choice, Tzuyu," Chaeyoung joked.

"Very funny," Tzuyu said, sucking out her tongue.

The toast popped out of the toaster a few seconds later and she put it on a plate, as well as some crackers, before reaching for the glass of water.

"Do you need any help?" Mina asked and stood up, grabbing the glass for Tzuyu to try and make the trip back up the stairs a little easier.

"Thanks," Tzuyu said to Mina as she made her way up to the bedroom.

She opened the door and the two girls quietly crept inside, trying to stay quiet in case you'd fallen back asleep.

Tzuyu put the plate on the bedside table before grabbing the water from Mina.

Turning on the lamp, she saw that the bed was empty.

Looking to the bathroom door, she sighed upon realizing what was going on.

"She's getting sick again. Thanks for the help."

They shared a quick hug before Mina left the room and Tzuyu rushed to your side.

She opened the bathroom door and ran to you, kneeling behind you on the floor.

"I'm so sorry, baby." She said as you threw up again. "Let it out, I'm here for you."

It took a few more minutes before you finished.

You flushed the toilet and got up to brush your teeth with Tzuyu holding onto you.

You rinsed out your mouth and leaned back against her, a shaky breath falling from your lips.

"I know it'll be worth it in the end and I know that as we get further along, it'll get better and easier as time goes on. But so far, being pregnant sucks."

Tzuyu chuckled before kissing the back of your neck.

"I know, my love. I'm sorry you feel so icky but it'll get better soon. You're almost three months along. This should slow down soon."

You sighed before turning around and holding onto her.

As much as she wanted to hold you tightly, feeling the instinctive need to do so, she chose not to and just wrapped her arms around you to hold you loosely but securely.

"I've got you, sweet girl. Let's go to bed. I made you some toast and I got crackers too."

You dreaded eating, afraid that it would make you sick again.

But you knew you needed to.

So when you got back into bed and Tzuyu handed you some dry toast, you took a couple of tiny bites and chewed it very slowly.

You swallowed it down and both of you waited a couple of minutes to see how your stomach felt after eating.

But to your relief, it settled well.

You took a few more bites and, for the first time in a few long and tiring days of being sick from so many different foods when you attempted to eat, you finally got to enjoy some food.

It tasted delicious and it didn't make your stomach upset in the slightest, which was relieving to both you and Tzuyu.

"There we go, my love. Enjoy that toast. Enjoy every bite." She smiled and quietly ate a couple of crackers.

You finished the other piece of toast after finishing the first one and just like the other one, it stayed settled.

"Do you want some more?" Tzuyu asked as she played with your hair.

"I do but I don't want to overdo it. So I'll take more in a little while. For now, I just want to get some rest and be cuddled by my baby."

She smiled brightly at you before kissing your forehead softly.

"Okay, baby girl. I'll cuddle you as long as you want, and whenever you want more toast just let me know and I'll make it for you."

You put your head on her chest after she tucked you in.

With a kiss on your head, Tzuyu watched you close your eyes as she gently placed her hand on your stomach.

You're not showing just yet nor is there any activity to feel from your baby, since they're so small still.

But she enjoys keeping her hand there and, for some reason, it always soothes you when she does.

"I love you." You tiredly spoke. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"Always." She said, kissing your head once more. "I love both of you so much. Now get some rest. I'm here if you need anything."

You drifted off to sleep, finally, just a few minutes later.

Tzuyu did the same when she knew you were sleeping soundly, just as you deserve.

And when she closed her eyes, she thanked her lucky stars because she already knew she was going to have the happiest and most beautiful family with you and the little human inside of you that you both adore so very much.

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