she won't take off your hoodie (requested)

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You rolled over in bed as the golden rays of the sun hit your eyes. You expected to be pulled into Tzuyu's arms, but to your surprise, you only felt the sheets where she lays.

Opening your eyes, you noticed that the blanket was pushed back and the sheets were messy. The time on the clock read that it was after nine am and you fell onto your back, wishing you could just go back to sleep.

But it was a beautiful day outside; you could tell by the bright sunshine and the singing of the birds outside the window. Not to mention the obvious fact that Tzuyu wasn't beside you and you were curious as to where she went.

You swung your legs over the bed and ran your fingers through your hair before getting ready to stand on your feet and making your way out the door in search of her. But you didn't have to look far. You didn't even have to leave the bedroom. Because only a second after putting your feet on the floor, you heard her voice as she started to sing in the bathroom.

It brought a smile to your face. Her voice so beautiful, it made your heart fill with happiness.

But you snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a cool breeze blow in through the window and run along your arms. Feeling cold, you decided you'd throw on your favorite hoodie. You know it'll be just perfect for today, assuming that Tzuyu will want to go out for a bit on her day off.

You shrugged it off late last night when you got too warm, throwing it somewhere across the room. But you looked all around and it was nowhere to be found.

Wondering if Tzuyu hung it up for you, you checked the closet but it was nowhere to be found. You checked the basket, thinking maybe it was thrown in there by mistake. But it was empty!

You were beginning to feel frustrated. It was almost as though it'd vanished out of thin air!

You decided to ask Tzuyu if she's seen it anywhere. Thinking it was better to ask first before you tore the room apart in search of it.

"Tzuyu?" You knocked and smiled a little when you heard her cheerful voice.

You opened it to find her drying her hair, running the towel through her long and wet hair.

A few words on the tip of your tongue, you parted your lips, ready to ask her if she'd seen your hoodie anywhere.

But you didn't need to ask the question, because you already had the answer.

Your pulse began to race when you realized where your hoodie had been all along; right on Tzuyu.

"Yes, baby? Need something?" She asked as she dropped the fluffy towel onto the floor by her feet, trying to hold back her smile as she watched you bite your lip and walk closer to her.

"I was looking for that. Couldn't find it anywhere..."

"Well, now you know why."

You giggled and put your hands on her shoulders. You ran your hands along her arms before wrapping around her sides. You rested your hands on her back and stole a kiss from her cheek.

"I need it back."

"Nope." She shook her head.

"But I'm cold!" You whined.

"Me too, and your hoodie is keeping me nice and cozy. So fluffy and warm and it smells just like you."

Though you wanted it back because you felt cold, you couldn't deny that you liked the thought of her keeping it a little more.

"Okay. So... what do I wear then?"

She shrugged with a smirk and said, "There's a lot of stuff in the closet."

You walked out of the bathroom and over to the closet. You looked around for something to wear, but nothing of yours. Because, if she was gonna wear your favorite hoodie, it was only fair that you get to wear hers.

You took your time to look around for one before finally settling on her coziest one. You quickly pulled it over your head and just a second after, you heard her chuckle from behind you.

"What?" You asked, turning to face her.

She shook her head and walked to you. Holding you in her arms, she put her forehead on yours to stare deeply into your eyes for only a moment before she said, "You look cute."

She kissed your cheek a time or two before she leaned in to kiss your lips instead. You instinctively wrapped your arms back around her while she cupped your cheeks and held your face gently in her hands while kissing you so lovingly.

"Love you. I'm excited to spend today with you."

"Me too, Tzuyu. I love you more." You smiled as you dropped your head to her shoulder and thought about all the things you could do together today.

Tzuyu Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now