you catch her cheating on you (requested)

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"She's going to be so happy to see you!" Jihyo said as she walked down the hall of the hotel with you, a couple of your bags over her shoulder while you dragged your suitcase with yours.

"She hasn't been acting like herself lately. She didn't come into rehearsals today, said she wasn't feeling well. She's not physically sick but I think she's feeling down because she misses you."

Your heart was racing with anticipation and excitement. It's been so long since you saw Tzuyu. She and the girls have been on tour. They've been so busy that you and Tzuyu barely have the time to talk these days.

And you're missing her like crazy.

You've had enough of it all and decided to break the distance between you.

You've been counting down the days and now, you're close to her hotel room, just a moment away from being able to wrap your arms around her and never let her go.

"Okay, here's her room," Jihyo said as she set your things down on the floor and handed you an extra key to Tzuyu's room, so you could let yourself inside. "See you soon."

"Bye, Jihyo! Thanks again for helping me with everything." You said as you watched her walk down the hall to her hotel room.

You took a deep breath and picked up your bags before putting the key in the door. When it flashed green, you pulled it back out and went inside.

The lights were off and the curtains were drawn. At first, you wondered if she was sleeping. But then you heard something that made your heart beat with dread, replacing the excitement you once felt.

You heard soft sighs and quiet moans as well as the sound of lips locking with another pair of lips.

You quietly set your bags on the floor and reached for the light switch. When the room lit up, you saw clothes on the floor and heard a couple of gasps.

You slowly looked to the bed where you saw Tzuyu and some other girl you didn't recognize. Tzuyu was on top of her. She was wearing her shirt but her shorts were on the floor. But the girl beneath her had to cover herself with some blankets to keep herself from being exposed to you, as she wasn't wearing anything.

"Y/N!" Tzuyu gasped and panted as she ran her fingers through her long hair. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? I'm here to visit my girlfriend, who I've been missing for the last few weeks because she's been traveling across the world."

She hung her head while you looked from her to the girl under the blankets.

"Get out of here!" You yelled and she jumped up from the bed, slipping on her shirt and shorts and grabbing her things before she ran out of the hotel room faster than you've ever seen anyone run before.


"Shut up!" You yelled at Tzuyu and she nodded before swallowing thickly. "How long has this been going on? Is this the first time you've slept with her?"

She shook her head and your heart dropped deeper in your chest.

"All the times you said that you were busy or tired on your days off or after your shows... you were lying to me, weren't you?"

"Not always. I-I was, genuinely."

"But sometimes you did."

"Yes." She confessed.

"How could you do this to me? What have I done to deserve it?"


"No!" You cut her off again. "I'm talking."

She just nodded her head wordlessly.

"I've done nothing but support you all this time we've been together. I've been your biggest cheerleader through everything. It's been almost a year that we've been together and you threw it all away for someone else because of what? Because you were lonely? Because I have my own life back home? Because I'm not good enough?"

"You are good enough, y/n." She quickly said. "I don't know why I started doing this! It just took the pain away from everything that I go through. From missing you, from the stress, the anxiety... I just needed something."

You shook your head and blinked away the tears in your eyes as she got off the bed to walk to you.

"I swear, I never meant to hurt you."

"What did you think you were going to do when I found out? You didn't think it'd hurt me? You thought I'd congratulate you? Be happy for you? Be totally okay with the fact that you slept with someone else?"

"I don't know..." she whispered as a tear fell down your cheek.

"I'm done." You said.

"Done? What do you mean done?"

"I mean I'm done, Tzuyu! You cheated on me! I can't forgive you for that!"

You opened the hotel door, grabbing your bags as Tzuyu followed you out.


"Don't touch me!" You yelled and the sound caused the girls, who were all on the same floor, to open their doors and see what was going on. "I never want to see you again!"

"Tzuyu, what did you do?" You heard Momo ask as you stormed away, followed by the sound of Tzuyu's cries and Jihyo calling out your name as she tried to catch up with you, only for the elevator doors to close and go down before she could try to get to you.

You were done with her.

As much as you love her, there's no way you could ever forgive her for this.

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