I don't want to dance if I'm not dancing with you (requested)

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Tzuyu forced a smile onto her face as she watched the rest of the people at the table where she was sitting get up and go onto the dance floor.

Her eyes kept traveling to where you were sitting.

Across the room, you were sitting alone, just like she was. But she watched as people came up to you, extending out their hands so you'd take it into yours as they asked you to dance.

Tzuyu was thinking about doing the same. She was nervous though and kept psyching herself out of it.

She has the biggest crush on you. She swears, in all her life, she's never seen anyone as beautiful as you are.

You've got her mesmerized with every stolen glance. You seemed to be having such a great time, the smile on your face yet to fall.

Every time she sees it, her breath is taken away. You've got such a beautiful smile. She can't ever get over it, always unable to look away.

She felt sorta sad. Because as much as she wanted to dance with you, she couldn't bring herself to ask you.

She sees all the people you're saying no to when they ask. She wonders that, if they stand no chance with you, then how would she?

But when you stared over at her and your eyes met, she found her cheeks becoming red as she knew you'd caught her staring.

She looked around the room. You were the only two people that weren't dancing with someone.

She didn't understand why you weren't joining in. So many people keep asking you to.

She stared at her lap and listened as the slow and romantic music in the background quietly played. She felt down. She wanted to dance. But she only wanted to dance with you.

It was only when she heard someone approaching her that she lifted her head.

To her shock, she saw that it was you.

With every step you took, all eyes were on you, so she was surprised that you were unfazed by them all and standing there in front of her.

"Hi, Tzuyu." You smiled and she felt her heart racing. "Can I have this dance?"

Her breath hitched and she couldn't wipe the look of shock off of her face.

She stuttered over her words as she said yes and happily took your hand as you held it out for her to take.

Her fingers were wrapped around yours and her hands shook slightly as she noticed all the eyes on the two of you as you walked with her onto the dance floor.

You put your hands on her hips while she put hers on your shoulder. She stared into your eyes, watching with a flutter in her heart as they sparkled as you stared right back into hers.

"Why'd you ask me to dance?" She wondered.

"Because I wanted to dance." You said, smiling at her.

"You had a lot of people asking you to dance. You said no to them all."

You chuckled and stared down at your feet before looking back at her.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to dance with them. I don't want to dance if it's not you that I'm dancing with you."

She smiled from ear to ear and the sight was heartwarming.

"I was hoping you'd ask me if I'm honest. I was waiting to see if you would. I could feel you staring at me. But every time I looked, you'd turn away. Your friends say you like me but I don't know if you do or not."

She scoffed, a giggle falling from her lips afterward.

"Of course they did." She sighed. "But, yes. I do. I always have. You're so pretty and kind and funny. I just didn't think I'd stand a chance. Look at all those people you turned down."

"Tzuyu, I don't care about them. You're the one I like."

Her heart was racing and the smile on her face was big and bright.

You moved your hands from her hips and onto her back instead, wanting to be a little closer to her.

"This is okay, right?"

"Yeah. It's perfect." She spoke softly before she dropped her forehead onto yours and you started to sway a little as the romantic music continued to play.

The night seemed to fly by. Or, at least, it started to when you were with Tzuyu.

Before you knew it, the night had come to an end, and the dance was over.

You decided to walk her back to her place.

Your hands stayed intertwined the entire time. She swung them back and forth as you talked about anything and everything together as you got to know each other.

She told you about all of her goals and dreams in life, talked about her dogs, and the things that made her happy.

You talked about your hobbies and your passions and in the end, you realized how much you had in common and realized how strong your feelings for each other were.

"So, this is my place." She sighed and nodded to her house as you stopped walking. "Thank you for walking me home."

"Thank you for letting me walk you home and for dancing and hanging out with me. I'll be honest and say I thought about going home more than once before we started to dance. It was boring until then. I'm happy I stayed."

"I feel the same." She smiled. "So, if I asked you out, would you say yes?"

"In a heartbeat." You said as you bit your lip and your hand nervously shook in hers.

"Your hand is shaking." She mumbled as she stared at you worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just... I thought about kissing you so many times tonight but I didn't want to jump and push things too far. I didn't know if you wanted me to kiss you or if it would be too much too soon or-"

She interrupted your nervous rambling by pushing her lips onto yours for a passionate kiss.

You were taken by surprise. As much as you wanted to kiss her, you didn't expect it to be like this.

But you weren't complaining. Not even in the slightest.

Her lips tasted sweet and they moved perfectly against yours. You looped your arms around her neck and she put her hands on the small of your back, pulling you closer.

When she pulled away, you were both breathless. But you were also unable to hold back your bright smiles.

"That's the best kiss I've ever had." She confessed.

"Same here." You giggled and she kissed you once more before pulling back and dropping your hand.

As soon as she dropped it, she longed to hold it yet again.

But she knew that she'd be able to again tomorrow.

So she kissed both of your cheeks and hugged you quickly.

"See you tomorrow, angel." She smiled.

"See you tomorrow, Tzuyu." You smiled back at her and watched her go inside before you walked home, swearing that you'd never been so happy before.

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