spoiled birthday surprises (requested)

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Waking up at a little after nine am on her day off to an empty bed wasn't exactly how she pictured this morning with you going. Sitting against the headboard and looking around the room, Tzuyu realized that you weren't anywhere to be found.

A little worried and curious as to where you might be, she swung her legs over the bed and called out for you. She crept down the stairs and when she reached the bottom step and heard the sound of your voice, she happily followed it all the way into the kitchen.

But at the mention of her name, she froze on her feet. She realized quickly that you were on the phone with someone, though for as long as she stood there she never once heard you say who it was.

"I think Tzuyu is still asleep, so don't worry about her catching us. I'll be there shortly."

Her heart dropped when she heard those words. With her mind beginning to race, she tried to think of what to say and how to confront you about what you said on the phone.

Who were you talking to? What would she catch you doing? Why did they need to know if she was awake or not?

She had hundreds of questions running through her busy brain and she didn't know which to ask you first.

But before she knew it, you walked out of the kitchen and turned the corner to find Tzuyu standing right in front of you.

"Oh!" You chuckled breathlessly and put your hand over your fast-beating heart. "Tzuyu, you scared me! What are you doing up?"

She just scoffed and said, "That's all you have to say to me?"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion which only made her more frustrated.

"I heard you tell whoever it was on the phone not to worry about me catching you because I was asleep!" She said and you immediately tried to think of how to calm her worried brain without giving anything away. "Tell me who it was."

"It was just Nayeon," you spoke softly, reaching for her soft hands to take into yours.

"Why would you worry about me catching the two of you? What's going on, y/n?"

You couldn't think of an answer fast enough, which only made her stomp her foot in annoyance.

But just then, your phone chimed and you both quickly looked down at it. Thankfully, it was close to your chest and the text from Nayeon wasn't seen by Tzuyu. You tucked it into your pocket and started to head up the stairs.

"I'm sorry, Tzuyu. I can't tell you."

She let out a frustrated groan as you quickly changed into a pair of sweats and one of her shirts. Your teeth were already brushed so you didn't have to worry about that before you slipped on your shoes.

"I love you. I promise it'll all make sense soon." You said and attempted to kiss her cheek, but she didn't let your lips touch her skin. You understood she must be angry and frustrated but you knew she'd understand soon enough, so you knew you just had to wait until then.

She didn't say a word as she watched you walk out the front door. She anxiously bounced her foot on the stairs before rushing into the bedroom. She grabbed her phone and keys before running down the stairs where she pulled on her shoes and then rushed out the front door.

Your car was already out of the driveway when she was out the door, but she managed to make it down the block in her own vehicle before you turned down the street and headed onward to your destination.

Tzuyu kept her distance until you pulled into the parking lot of a little banquet hall. You got out of the car and excitedly ran inside, carrying a small box of things that you must've kept in your car inside with you.

She got out of the car and walked inside. She was met with music and laughter from not just you and Nayeon, but the other girls as well. The loud laughter led her into a large room where she noticed decorations hung up. Banners, posters, pictures - all things with her name on it and little happy birthday messages above them.

It dawned on her at that very moment what was really going on. Not only did she feel terrible about not trusting you but also that she ruined her own surprise birthday party you and the girls were throwing for her.

She wondered if she could sneak out without getting caught, but that option flew out the window as soon as Dahyun spotted her and called out her name.


All heads turned upon hearing her name and Dahyun's frantic voice. Your eyes fell onto her immediately and she gazed at you apologetically. But through your confusion and frustration of her being there when she clearly wasn't meant to yet, you were anything but happy to see her.

"What are you doing here?" You asked as you rushed over to her.

Without giving her a chance to answer you, you grabbed her hand and led her out of the room before she could see any other surprises that you have ready.

"Did you follow me here?"

"Yeah..." she sighed, biting her lip.

"Why? What did you think? I said I was going to meet Nayeon! Your best friend, the girl who is like a sister to you. She loves you and cares about you. You didn't think that she would... or that I would..." you paused, too afraid to even say the word you were hinting at.

"I don't know what I was thinking. But I know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had a lapse in judgment and that I didn't trust you more because I should always trust you. You're amazing. I don't deserve you."

"You deserve the world, Tzuyu." You whispered as you hooked your fingers under her chin, making her eyes lock with yours. "That's why we're throwing you this surprise party! Because you are amazing. You're kind and you're wonderful and we all love you so much."

She smiled as she dropped her forehead onto your own.

"You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. That's never gonna change."

"I love you, y/n."

"Love you too." You whispered and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. This time though, she didn't pull away, and that caused your heart to soar.

"So..." You said and looked around. "Not how I planned this to go, but happy early birthday...?"

She laughed and pulled you into her arms.

"We've been working hard on setting it up for you. It was supposed to be a surprise but,"

"I know, I'm sorry." She said and peppered kisses across your head. "I'll still be surprised! I'm gonna go, leave you all be. This way I can't spoil anything else for myself and I'll still be surprised."

You nodded as you looped your arms around her neck and stole a few kisses from her lips.

She let you go and walked to head out the door, only for you to call out for her.

"Wait, Tzuyu!"

"Yeah?" She asked as she turned around, smiling."

"Do you like it so far?"

She only grinned and said, "I love it. Because it's done by you and my best friends. No matter what, I'm gonna love it. See you when you get home, baby. I'll be waiting for you."

Your heart fluttered at the wink she sent you and the kiss she blew you as she left, leaving you and the girls to continue working hard for your favorite girl.

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