she misses you while at the studio (requested)

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You settled against the pillows stacked up behind you on the sofa. It's nearing nine o'clock, but after your busy day, you're absolutely exhausted. You're trying to stay awake, though. You're trying your hardest to stay awake for Tzuyu, who you figured would be home soon.

Your eyes felt heavy, but you tried to keep them open and focus on the show you've spent the last couple of hours binge-watching.

It was only when your phone started to ring that you turned your gaze elsewhere. You recognized it as Tzuyu's ringtone as the love song played through your phone. You quickly reached for it and answered it.

Your first thought she was telling you she was on her way home or she'd be home soon. But instead, you heard a heavy sigh fall from her lips.


"Yeah, Tzuyu, I'm here. Are you alright?'

She was quiet for a moment before she mumbled, "no,"

A little concerned, you paused the show and sat up against the throw pillows. You kept your phone pressed tightly against your ear, waiting and anticipating for her to speak again.

"Tzuyu? Are you still there, baby?"

"Yeah." She whispered. "I'm sorry, y/n. I'm just not feeling well. I'm tired and I'm stressed and I miss you. I thought I'd be home soon, that I'd get out earlier and we'd be able to spend some time together before we fell asleep but I don't think I'm getting out of here for a couple more hours."

"Oh. That's okay, Tzuyu."

She sighed again. To you, it was okay. You understand she's busy. She's got a lot going on and you know these things are out of her hands. But to your tired girlfriend, it felt like an eternity. She's been looking forward to that time with you. Sure, these things happen. But she misses you like crazy.

"Thanks for understanding." She murmured then sniffled and your heart ached at the sound.

You were about to speak again when you heard Jeongyeon in the background.

"Tzuyu? I know you miss y/n but we gotta get back to work. The sooner we do, the sooner we can leave for the night."

"Yeah." Your girlfriend mumbled sadly. "I gotta go, baby. I don't know when I'll get home so please don't wait up for me. You need sleep. I love you. Talk to you soon."

She ended the call without letting you say a word. You put your phone on the cushion beside you before you got up to reach for your shoes.

You quickly slid them on and tied them up before you grabbed your phone again and took your keys out of the dish by the door before you walked outside and into the car.

It didn't take you long to arrive. You got there as soon as you could and you locked your car before you went into the building.

Since Tzuyu brings you around whenever she gets the chance and talks about you so often, all of the staff knows you. They were quick to wave and politely say 'hello' and, of course, you did the same until you reached their studio.

Afraid you'd knock too loud and ruin their work, you only knocked quietly a couple of times before the door opened. Nayeon gasped when she saw you and then quickly brought you in for a big squeeze.

"Come to visit Tzuyu?"

"Yeah. She seemed down on the phone."

"Yeah, she's been that way for the last couple of hours. She misses you. But I have a feeling her mood is gonna change quickly now that you're here!"

She let you inside before she closed the door. Tzuyu sat on the chair, listening to the girls' talk and Mina sing in the booth as she stared at her lap with sad and tired eyes.

You knelt on the floor in front of her and the way her eyes lit up when she saw you brought a big smile to your face.

"Y/N!" She threw her arms around you and hugged you so tight that she lifted your feet from the ground to spin you around. "I can't believe you're really here!" She said as she gently put your feet on the floor.

"You shouldn't be so surprised, baby. You know there's not a thing in the world that I wouldn't do for you. You sounded so down and I missed you, too. So I thought I'd surprise you."

"Such a great surprise!" She smiled from ear to ear, her eyes so bright that there wasn't a trace of sadness in them.

That's what you wanted to see. That's what matters most to you; to see her so happy.

She took a seat back in the chair and pulled you to her lap. She buried her lips in your hair while you buried your face in the crook of her neck.

"My schedule is so crazy at the moment. I hate that I have to leave before you wake up or that I get home either when you're about to fall asleep or you're already asleep. I just miss you. I wanted some time with my girl."

"Well, I'm here with you now, so you've got time with me. I'll stay until you can come home. Okay?"

She was so happy that she couldn't hold back her smile even if she tried.

She brushed the tip of her nose against yours before she leaned in to kiss you sweetly.

"You're amazing."

"I love you."

"I love you, y/n," she whispered softly before she brought you in for a few more loving kisses while she gently laid her hand on your cheek and pulled you closer, hoping this moment with you wouldn't ever end.

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