you're the tenth member of twice and she reads fanfiction of you (requested)

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The laughter coming from your best friends that were all sitting around you was making you grin from ear to ear, bringing you happiness like you haven't felt in a while.

Being an idol isn't easy work and you've been working nonstop over the last few weeks.

But now, you've all got a couple of days off to rest and relax, giving you all the excuse to just lay around and spend some downtime together.

There's a movie playing but you're the only one that's paying a little attention to it.

Eight of the girls were joking and laughing with each other while Tzuyu was scrolling through her phone, too busy reading or watching whatever is on her screen to pay much attention to anything else.

But no matter what it is that you spend these days doing, you never mind all that much because it's just so nice to be able to talk and do things that don't involve work.

The girls were quieting down a little and you turned your attention back to the tv as they did so.

Tzuyu was the only one on the sofa but seeing that changed as the girls grew tired of her being so quiet and missed hearing her talk and joke around.

Mina got off of the floor and sat on the sofa beside Tzuyu.

Tzuyu isn't ever very secretive, so Mina frowned upon watching Tzuyu shield her phone from Mina's view when she felt the cushion dip beside her when she sat down.

"Why are you so quiet?" Mina asked.


"Oh, come on, Tzuyu. You've barely said a word in the last hour or so. You're so busy staring at your phone. You're missing out on spending some time with the rest of us!" Nayeon said.

"Oh. Right. Sorry, I just got distracted."

"Oh? Doing what?" Jihyo wondered.

"N-Nothing. Just reading something."

The girls all looked at each other before shaking their heads, not believing her for even a second.

She was hiding something and they wanted to know what it was.

"Really? Let me see what that is," Sana said before grabbing Tzuyu's phone.

"Hey! Give it back!" Tzuyu said as the girls all gathered around Sana, staring at Tzuyu's phone screen.

They thought she was just reading through fan posts on different socials or that she was reading articles on different sites.

But what they found was not what they expected to see.

"You're reading fanfiction of y/n?" Momo gasped.

You quickly turned your head upon hearing the words fall from her lips.

"What?" You asked.

"Yeah, look. This book is titled 'y/n imagines', written by a fan."

"I-I was just curious about what they were writing about her. I wanted to make sure it wasn't anything inappropriate." Tzuyu said but the girls didn't believe her.

"Oh? Is that so? Then why are you twenty-two chapters in?" Jeongyeon asked.

Soon, the girls looked from Tzuyu and over to you with a smirk on their faces.

"There's one hundred total parts so far. Do you plan on reading the rest of them?" Chaeyoung teased.

"And is y/n the only one you read fanfiction of? If so, why just her, huh?" Dahyun asked with a smirk, knowing that her words would make Tzuyu's cheeks turn even redder.

You rolled your eyes at them before getting up.

"Let me sit here." You told Mina and she got up for you to sit beside Tzuyu.

Tzuyu cleared her throat, clearly feeling awkward after everything.

"So... you read fanfiction of me?" You teased and Tzuyu threw her head back with a groan.

"I'm sorry." She sighed.

"Don't be. It's kinda sweet." You chuckled and put your hand over hers. "You don't need to feel so embarrassed."

"I can't help it." She whined.

You bit your lip before looking at the girls who were pretending to talk to each other and that they were watching the film but you knew they were eavesdropping and looking at you from the corner of their eyes.

"Want to know a secret? I'm sure it'll make you feel better."

"What is it?" She asked with big curious eyes.

You leaned in to whisper in her ear, making sure the words that were about to fall from your lips were heard by her and only her.

"I've read fanfiction of you before too."

You confessed and sat back against the sofa with a smirk, seeing from the corner of your eyes that her brown ones were bright and she had the cutest grin on her face.

"I guess I don't feel so bad now." She said just quietly enough for only you to hear and you just giggled.

You never planned on telling anyone that, thinking you'd take it  to the grave with you someday, too afraid that she'd find out.

But the confession fell from your own lips and knowing that she'd gotten caught up in reading fanfiction of you made you feel less alone in you reading some about her.

And you couldn't help but wonder if maybe this was a sign of her feeling the same way you feel about her; more than a friend, but too afraid to confess that.

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