moaning in my girlfriend's ear to see her reaction (requested)

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You could tell by the look on her face that Tzuyu was in need of a little love and attention from you as she walked into the bedroom after her stressful day.

She looked exhausted and her big brown eyes didn't sparkle as much as they usually do.

When you pulled away from the hug, you took her by the hand and had her sit at the foot of the bed.

You watched the sparkle return slightly when you sat on her lap and put your arms around her neck and your forehead on hers.

"You look tired."

"I'm just fine, my love." She smiled a little as she stared into your eyes. "I'm home with my girl. I'll feel much better as the evening goes on."

You nodded but started to kiss her neck, hoping you could make her feel better with the little idea in your head.

Just as you hoped she would, she melted over your sweet kisses.

You could already feel her starting to relax. You felt her become less tense and you watched as she put her head back, enjoying the utter bliss that she felt not just from the feeling of your soft kisses on her skin, but the rush that came along with them.

It's inexpressible. But it's always there. It's that feeling that makes her feel like no one and nothing else in the world exists. The feeling of everything that goes on in her busy brain and the weight that's on her chest lift every time. The feeling of love; love for you and love that she feels from you that you hold for her.

You always make her feel better, no matter how bad her day may be.

"I'm so in love with you, y/n," she sighed, causing your heart to flutter as you reached her ear.

You began to tug at the shell and the lobe of her ear with your teeth, just to tease her a little.

"Yes," she sighed softly, tangling her fingers through your hair, unaware of what you were about to do.

"Tzuyu!" You moaned loudly, causing her soft sigh to turn into a moan.

"Oh my god," she groaned before opening her eyes to look at you.

"How'd you like that, baby?" You asked slyly, knowing just how much she loved it.

But you wanted to hear the words fall from her lips.

Only thing was that you left Tzuyu in such awe that she couldn't seem to form any words. She was speechless, replaying that sweet sound in her mind again and again.

"Oh, you know what, baby?" She started to speak, her tongue coming out to wet those perfect, kissable lips as she stared into your eyes with a look of fervor and sensuality before she laid you on the bed unexpectedly.

She pushed you onto the mattress and not as gently as usual. She hovered over you and she smiled a little before it turned into a smirk.

"You sound so hot." She sighed as she kissed your neck. "But I don't think you know what you've started. Because now, I don't ever want you to stop."

You bit your lip and let it slip once more.


She grinned against your skin and left a few little marks behind before she kissed down to your collarbones.

"Tzuyu," you moaned again.

"You couldn't be more perfect." She sighed. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," you paused, "Tzuyu!"

Her eyes rolled back as you moaned again, swearing she'd never felt such a rush of euphoria in her life.

And she didn't ever want it to end, swearing she'd spoil you with love and kisses tonight, even more so than usual, in hopes that you wouldn't stop saying her name like that.

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