you refuse to take your medicine (requested)

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"Hey, sweet girl." Tzuyu smiled as she watched your eyes open slowly. "How are you feeling?"

She brushed her hand across your forehead and you couldn't help the contented sigh that escaped your lips over her cool touch against your warm skin.

"Hm?" She asked as she stared at you in worry.

"Not good." You groaned. "I still feel awful."

"Well, you should feel a little better soon because it's time to take your medicine again."

"No." You whined before rolling over, burying your face into the pillow.

Tzuyu laughed as she grabbed your medicine and poured some of it into the cap for you to take.

She held it out, playfully rolling her eyes over how dramatic you were being.

"Come on, cutie. Take your medicine."

"No. I don't want to. It tastes awful." You said. "I'll be okay without it. I'm just going to sleep. I'll feel better in no time."

"Y/N," She said as she set the cap down and folded  her arms over her chest.

You lifted your head from the pillow and gazed at her.

"Take it."


"Fine. Then I'm going downstairs and you can stay up here by yourself. No medicine, no cuddles."

She watched your eyes go wide as you realized how serious she was.

"But I'm sick and you love cuddling me."

"True. But I can't cuddle you if you won't take your medicine."

It was a good way to get you to take it because she knows you're more desperate for her cuddles than ever.

She's the only thing that's making you feel better.

So the thought of not being able to cuddle her sounded like torture to you.

You reached for the medicine and quickly swallowed it down, making Tzuyu smile.

"Ew," You said as you wiped your lips. "It tastes awful."

"Well, it's done and over with. You're good for another few hours."

"Okay." You said before yawning. "I took my medicine. You owe me cuddles now."

She smiled brightly before laying down next to you.

You scooted into her arms and laid your head on her chest, finding comfort in the sound of her heartbeat and the feeling of her fingers brushing across your warm skin.

"Would you really not have cuddled me?"

"You know I would've. I can never say no to you, especially not when you need me." She said as she stared down at you. "But I need you to take your medicine from now on. No fighting with me on it. It's how you're going to get better fast and I hate seeing you so sick. It worries me."

"Okay." You said as you closed your eyes. "I promise I'll take it from now on without any arguments as long as you promise to hold me."

"I won't let you go, darling." She promised as she kissed your head.

You smiled a little as you drifted off to sleep, warm and content in her embrace.

Tzuyu Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now