you're drunk and don't recognize her (requested)

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Did something a little different for this chapter because I feel like the ones I've written before like this are too similar. I hope you all enjoy it still. 🤍


Tzuyu caught a glimpse of the time before she turned off the engine of the car and slipped the keys into the pocket of her sweats.

It's after two-thirty in the morning and she's so tired that getting out of bed when your friend called her about fifteen minutes ago was not easy.

She had a very long day in practice so when you texted her to say that you were going to go out with your friends tonight for a few hours and wouldn't be there when she got home, she was perfectly fine with it.

She knew already that she'd want nothing more than to crawl under the covers and go to sleep when she got home.

That's exactly what she did but she was only under them for about three hours before her phone rang and despite being worn out, you're still so important to her that she got right out of bed and came to get you so you could go home and lay in bed with her and stay safe and sound.

She got out of the car and shivered slightly from the cold air.

Her short hair was a little messy from the breeze blowing it around as she walked from the car and through the doors of the club.

She wasn't hard for your friends to spot, since she was so tall and was the only one in sweats. So when they spotted her, they called  out for her.


She turned her head and noticed your friends across the room, holding you up because you were so drunk you couldn't stand on your own two feet and wanted to hit the dance floor.

"Thank you for calling," Tzuyu said and quickly hugged your friends before looking at you.

"She's wasted." One of them said and Tzuyu could tell they were only telling the truth as she looked at you.

"Yeah, I can see that."

"She's going to be so hungover in the morning."

"That should be fun." Tzuyu sighed.

"We thought you needed to come and get her. We're going to head out soon but want to stay a bit longer since we're not drunk like her. She, however, needs to go home and sleep before that hangover hits." One of your other friends explained.

"Thank you for looking out for her. You're great friends." She smiled before looking back at you. "Hi, baby."

"Baby?" You repeated and furrowed your eyebrows.

"Yeah. That's one of the many things I call you, my love. Because you're my girl." Tzuyu giggled.

"Your girl? I don't know who you are."

Tzuyu and your friends all stared at each other before groaning and rolling their eyes.

"You're so wasted you can't even recognize your own girlfriend of a year?" Your friends laughed.

"I'm Tzuyu, your very serious girlfriend who loves you so very much, even though I had to wake up at two in the morning to come and get you because you're too drunk to stay out any longer." She said and playfully tickled your sides, making you giggle a little.

"I need more alcohol."

"No, that's the last thing you need, baby. We're going home. That's what you need right now." Tzuyu said.

A few seconds later, your friends let you go as Tzuyu carefully pulled you into her arms. She had you put one of yours around her neck while one of her hands fell to your hips to keep you steady and secure.

"Wait." You said after you took one step.

Tzuyu looked at you, finding that you were already gazing at her.

You bit your lip as you looked at her, drunkenly giggling a few seconds later.

"You're really hot." You said.

"Thanks, my very drunk baby." She laughed before kissing your head.

"I have a girlfriend already though."

"I am your girlfriend." Tzuyu reminded you as she held back a laugh.

"Oh." You said. "I'm lucky."

Tzuyu shook her head with a laugh as you continued to walk slowly together towards the door.

"I'm starting to not feel so good." You groaned as you walked out of the club.

You shivered from the cold air and Tzuyu stopped walking with you.

"Here, baby girl." She said as she pulled off her jacket and put it around your shoulders. "Let's get you home before you vomit all over the car."

You got into the car and she buckled you up before kissing your head and closing the door to get into her side of the car.

"I'm going to sleep." You announced, slurring, and Tzuyu shook her head once more, giggling as she started the car.

"You're so drunk." She said. "You're going to be fun to be around in the morning when you're extremely hungover. But it'll be fun to tease you about tonight. That's for sure."

She knew she was talking to herself when you started to snore quietly beside her.

And when she pulled up to a red light, she gazed at you in adoration.

Because, despite how drunk you are, she can't help but feel like she's the lucky one because she gets to love you.

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