you're the tenth member and you're afraid of firecrackers (requested)

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Staring out at the crowd, you watched the fans wave their light sticks around as you all performed the last song of the night.

It's your first show on a two-month tour.

You knew it was going to be an unforgettable time as you perform and travel with your nine best friends. You knew the fans would be loud and excited during each show.

But, judging by just this first show tonight, you know it's going to be even more amazing than you imagined.

You were ending the show with scientist and it was nearing the end as Dahyun and Chaeyoung did their rap parts.

You were dancing around and waving to fans, enjoying every minute spent with them all.

Sana and Tzuyu came up to you, both of them hugging and dancing around with you.

"Don't try to be a genius, why so serious?" Tzuyu sang into her mic, her eyes on you the whole time.

She's staying by your side right now because she knows what's coming soon. It seems that, so lost in your excitement, you might've forgotten about them.

But she hasn't.

And since all nine of them are protective of you and know your fear, they knew someone needed to be by you when they go off.

As the song came to an end, the dance break finishing, you got close to the edge of the stage to blow some kisses to the fans and wave at them and Tzuyu continued to follow you around.

And just as she anticipated, she heard the loud sound of firecrackers go off, the loud sound almost making you jump out of your skin.

You gasped and covered your ears as they went off a few different times.

Looking at Tzuyu, she pulled you into her arms and pushed your hands away, covering your ears for you as you hugged her and squeezed your eyes shut, wishing they'd stop.

She could feel you shaking from fear and even though her voice and words were muffled, you could hear her comfortingly speak to you that it was going to be okay.

You impatiently waited for them to come to an end and once they did, tzuyu uncovered your ears before putting her hands on your back.

She brushed her fingers across your skin, trying to find the words to say to bring you some much-needed comfort.

"I know you're scared of them but it's done. They're over now."

You exhaled shakily and felt more arms wrapped around you as the other girls came to hug you.

They all know about your intense fear so they all felt the same instinctive need to come and comfort you.

"What am I going to do? There's still two months worth of shows left, two months worth of firecrackers."

"You've got me." Tzuyu whispered in your ear. "You've got all of us. I know you're scared. I know it's loud and overwhelming but it's something we'll get through together; all of us."

You nodded and continued to hold onto Tzuyu as the other girls pulled away.

She giggled but stayed there with you, wanting to keep you comforted if you still felt shaken up.

"I've got you." She assured. "We're all here for you."

You pulled away and she stroked your cheek until you smiled before she put her hand on your back and walked to the other girls with you, all of you bowing and blowing kisses to fans before you went backstage.

"Are you okay? Doing better now?" Tzuyu asked as she stayed by your side, the sound of fans shuffling out of the arena being heard from backstage.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I just hate firecrackers. I hate how loud they are, it just frightens me."

She and the girls chuckled softly, Tzuyu's hand rubbing your shoulder.

"Everyone is afraid of something, y/n. Just know that we're all going to be right there each night when the time comes for them to go off. We'll be there to comfort you. Promise." She said.

"Thank you."

She gave you one more hug before you all began to freshen up and change out of your stage clothes before getting on the tour bus, knowing you had another place to travel to and perform at tomorrow.

But, everywhere you'd go and everything you'd do, it was clear that, through it all, you were in it together.

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