you propose (requested)

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"I love watching the sunset with you." Tzuyu smiled as she pulled you closer.

You put your head on her shoulder and tried to hide how incredibly nervous you were feeling about what you had planned for tonight.

Since you both had the night off, you decided to bring her to the beach to watch the sunset.

"It's just beautiful." She whispered in awe.

"Almost as beautiful as you." You spoke before kissing her cheek.

She laughed before stealing a kiss from your lips.

"I can't believe we finally have some time together. Things have been crazy lately and I've been missing you." She said. "And what an amazing way to spend a couple of hours of it with you. Here at the beach, watching the sunset with my favorite girl in my arms."

"I know, it's just perfect."

"It is." She agreed.

"Tzuyu? Do you remember watching the sunset together for the very first time?"

"Yeah." She replied as she looked away from the sky and to you adoringly.

"Can you believe that was almost three years ago?" You asked.

"Time flies." She replied. "That was our third date. I remember being so crazy about you and thinking you might be the one, even though it was early on. And now, I'm so in love with you I can't imagine life without you. Almost three years... I'm so lucky."

"Same here, Tzuyu," You said before kissing her cheek. "I'm the lucky one. You just make me so happy."

She leaned in and kissed you quickly before caressing your cheek as you pulled away and took a nervous breath.

"That's actually why I wanted to come here with you tonight. Because I'm in love with you and I'm so lucky to call you mine and I just never want to let you go."

"Oh, baby," She said as she held your hand.

The waves were crashing on the shore, the sun was setting more each second making the sky a beautiful shade of pink, and it was just so romantic, making this the perfect place for what you had up your sleeve for tonight.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world and I'm so lucky to love you and be loved by you. I've known you're the one from the second you told me hello. All I want is to spend forever with you."

"Baby...? What's going on?" She asked with a chuckle as you rambled nervously but excitedly.

You took a deep breath and then knelt on the sand on one knee before pulling the ring out of your pocket, causing her to gasp.

"I'm sorry for rambling, I'm just so excited to ask you this. I've been wanting to ask you this for so long. I love you so much, Tzuyu. Will you marry me?"

She stared at you wordlessly for a moment before smiling from ear to ear as her eyes filled with tears of happiness and love.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

You breathed out a sigh of relief because you'd been so nervous about this and hearing her say yes meant everything to you.

"I can't believe we're getting married!" You said as you put the ring on her finger. "It looks amazing on you."

"I love it so much." She said through her happy tears. "Just as much as the one I was going to buy you in a few days."

"What?" You spoke.

"I was going to buy you a ring and propose sometime next week... but you beat me to it, not that I'm complaining." She smiled before kissing your lips softly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You grinned. "And I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't wait to marry you too, my beautiful soon-to-be wife." She said against your lips as she kissed you again. "I have to tell the girls!"

You giggled and kissed her a couple more times before she pulled you into her arms and pulled out her phone to call Nayeon, ready to tell her and the other girls that you were getting married soon, at last.

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