shut your mouth (requested)

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The screams from the excited fans were almost deafening as you and Tzuyu exited the building that the girls had just been in to do a big interview.

You still get a little nervous when you see big crowds of fans gathered around and waiting for your girlfriend and the girls, despite being with Tzuyu for so long.

It just seems to be something you can't get used to.

But you felt relieved with Tzuyu holding onto your hand so tightly.

However, when she saw a group of young fans waiting, her heart melted.

"Will you be okay with me letting go of your hand so I can talk to these sweet fans?" She whispered in your ear.

Why would you ever so no to that?

A smile tugged at your lips and you nodded your head before letting go of her hand.

In front of you and Tzuyu had been Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, and Dahyun.

Following you out of the building were Chaeyoung, Jihyo, Mina, and Sana.

They were surprised when you and Tzuyu stopped walking.

But when they saw her interacting with the young and adorable fans, they just grinned and watched on.

"It's so nice to meet you!" Tzuyu grinned as she gave one of the young fans a quick hug. "Thank you for coming out to see us! You look like a little princess!" She giggled as she noticed the young fan had a sparkly dress on.

Talking to the young fans and trying to give them all big, warm hugs, you realized that you weren't going to be going anywhere for a few minutes.

But it was alright with you and the members, as you love to see your sweet girlfriend make the fans, who adore her so very much, as happy as they make her.

You almost pulled your phone out to take a few photos of the precious moments. You had just been reaching for it when, suddenly, you heard something that made you freeze.

"Shut your mouth, Tzuyu!"

Everyone was shocked.

You watched as Tzuyu looked up from the young fans to look around at who had said that to her, her bright smile now gone.

"Shut up and move! Not everyone wants to see you. I want to see Sana! Can you just shut up for once and get out of the way?"

Oh, that was it.

"Who said that!?" You yelled as you looked around at the crowd of fans. "How dare you speak that way to her! Do you think Sana wants to meet you after that? Can't you see that Tzuyu is just being nice to some fans that look up to her and want to meet her? Fans that are much, much better than you."

You didn't feel nervous anymore.

You just wanted to protect your girl and make sure that everyone knew you weren't standing for that.

"You don't deserve to meet any of the girls. You can't call yourself a fan of any of them if you think treating them this way is acceptable! Telling Tzuyu to shut her mouth crossed so many lines. You still won't raise your hand or show me your face, which means you're too much of a coward to step up and admit that you're the one who did this! I think this situation says much more about you than Tzuyu."

You stopped speaking and Tzuyu gave them a few more hugs and sweet words before she took your hand and started to walk to the car with you.

You looked back to see if the person that shouted that to Tzuyu would be noticed by Sana, as she's the one this so-called fan wanted to meet.

But Sana just talked with Mina, Chaeyoung, and Jihyo.

She refused to look or speak to any of the fans on their way through the crowd, all because this person wouldn't take accountability for messing with her friend and she didn't want any interactions with them whatsoever.

When you and Tzuyu were sitting down, she put her hand on your thigh and gave you a kiss on your lips, causing a grin to tug at your lips.

"Thank you for standing up for me. I didn't expect any of that to happen."

"Don't worry about it, my love. I'll always stand up for you, no matter what. Some people are just cruel. Don't let them bring you down. You're better than them."

She gave you another kiss before the girls got in and the door closed.

"Good job back there, Y/N." Chaeyoung smiled.

"I would've done that for Tzuyu if you hadn't been here, but I think you sent a little more fear into them than I would've. That person was too afraid to confess to what they did." Jihyo said as she squeezed your shoulder.

"They're not true fans and I don't ever want to interact with anyone like that," Sana said as she gave Tzuyu a squeeze on her shoulders and a kiss on her cheek, causing your girlfriend to burst into giggles.

"You've got a great girlfriend, Tzuyu!" Mina grinned. "Don't ever let her go."

Tzuyu took your hand into hers and gave it a little kiss, smiling at you as your eyes locked with hers.

"Don't worry. I never will."

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