she has cramps (requested)

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"Tzuyu? Hey, baby. You're home early!" You said as you paused the show you were watching.

You felt so happy to see Tzuyu walk through the front door so much earlier than you expected.

She only left to go to practice a couple of hours ago. You thought you'd be spending the day alone. So seeing her home early brought a smile to your face.

But when you saw how miserable she looked, that happiness faded quickly.


"I came home early because I don't feel good." She said and you quickly got up from the sofa to go over to where she was standing.

"Are you sick, baby?" You asked, gently placing your hand on her forehead.

"No. My period started before I left this morning and I have cramps."

You pulled your hand away from her forehead and brushed it across her shoulder in comfort.

"Usually, I try to push through them and keep going but they're too intense today. I had to just come home. I couldn't push through it."

You could tell that she was in a lot of pain as she spoke.

She kept groaning and wincing between her words and she'd squeeze her eyes shut while clutching her stomach as the cramps became overwhelming.

"Oh, baby, it's alright. You're home now and I'll take care of you." You said before going to turn off the tv.

After, you came back to her side and took her hand into yours.

"Before we go upstairs, is there anything you need?"

"Some water." She said and you kissed her cheek before heading into the kitchen.

You quickly grabbed a cold bottle of water for her and then returned to her side before helping her up the stairs.

"I want to crawl into bed and sleep for the next week." She whined.

It broke your heart to see her in so much pain and discomfort.

All you wanted was to comfort her and make her feel better, just the way she'd do for you.

Dressed in a pair of sweats and a cozy sweater, she was already in comfortable clothes and didn't hesitate to crawl into bed.

"I hate cramps," she groaned as she tossed and turned in bed.

"What can I do to help you, baby? I hate seeing you this way. Do you need some medicine or a heating pad?"

"I don't know. Anything that will take away the pain. I don't care." She mumbled into the pillow.

You grabbed the heating pad and quickly plugged it in before rubbing Tzuyu's back comfortingly.

"Baby, turn over. I've got the heating pad going."

She rolled onto her back and after you rolled her shirt up a little, you placed the heating pad against her stomach and she closed her eyes immediately.

"Aside from your cramps, how are you feeling? Do you feel nauseous or sleepy? Cold?"

"All of the above. But my cramps are the worst." She said. "I think I just want to sleep."

"Do you need any medicine?" You asked as you stroked her cheek.

"No. The heating pad is starting to help. I'd rather you cuddle me."

You laid down in bed beside her and got as close as you could before you started to play with her hair.

"That feels nice." She said as a small smile tugged at her lips.

"Good, baby. Are you sure you don't need anything else?"

"I'm sure, darling. Stop fussing over me." She said as she opened her eyes, teasing you a little.

"I can't help it. You always take such great care of me. I want to take care of you. If you need anything at all, I'll get it for you. If you need anything from the store, I'll even go up there to get it for you."

"That's sweet of you, my love. But I'm okay. I just want to sleep and be with you."


"And I'd also like it if you keep playing with my hair."

You chuckled and kissed her cheek as you continued to play with her hair.

"Alright, my love. Go to sleep. I'll be right here." You promised and watched as she started to fall asleep. "I'm happy you're feeling better."

"All thanks to you, Y/N," she said. "Love you."

"Love you more, Tzuyu," you said as she fell asleep, feeling much better thanks to you.

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