she proposes on stage (requested)

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The girls all felt as though their hearts might burst from how full they felt.

Being on stage and performing in front of thousands upon thousands of fans was such a dream come true.

Although every show is very special to the girls, tonight is going to be one show they will never forget.

Tzuyu has something special up her sleeve and now was the time she wanted to do it.

They just finished singing what is love and Tzuyu's gaze is resting on you in the front row, watching as you cheered her and the girls on as you wave your lightstick around.

"Thank you for coming to see us and for enjoying the show so far tonight," Tzuyu said, making the fans go wild. "There's something I want to do tonight. Will you all make some noise for my girl?"

She handed her mic over to Chaeyoung and walked to the edge of the stage, holding her hand out for you to take.

You looked extremely confused, as Tzuyu never mentioned anything about going up on stage with her tonight.

But, regardless, you took her hand and walked up on stage to be with her because, whatever she had in store, you trusted her with all of your heart and soul.

Chaeyoung handed Tzuyu's mic back to her and Tzuyu stared into your eyes before taking a deep breath.

"What's happening?" You asked as you looked between Tzuyu and the girls.

"I love you, y/n."

Your heart fluttered over those four simple but sweet words.

"Oh, Tzuyu, I love you too." You quickly and happily responded.

One hand was wrapped around her mic, the other was wrapped around yours, and you noticed that both were shaking.

"Why are you shaking?" You asked worriedly.

"Because there's something I want to talk to you about. There's I've been wanting to do for so long but I think now is the perfect time for me to do it."

"Okay." You said with an encouraging smile.

"We've spent two years together now. Two beautiful years, the best ones of my whole life." She said.

She had an entire speech planned out but now, she was forgetting it a little, due to her excitement.

"You make me so happy. You understand me better than anyone else, you love me unconditionally, and you're not just my girlfriend but my best friend too and I can't imagine life without you."

You were starting to catch on a little.

The long but sweet speech she was giving you about the years you've spent together and as she talked to everyone about the love you've shared throughout them made you realize that something was happening.

"I think about the future a lot. I think we both know that."

You chuckled happily as you nodded.

"When I think about the future, I see us spending our lives together, even more in love with each other every day as we start a family together and travel the world. I want to spend forever with you. I want to marry you."

And she handed her mic over again before taking the ring from Dahyun that one of the staff members had grabbed while Tzuyu was giving you that beautiful speech.

Suddenly, she got down on one knee and everyone was screaming loudly as they captured the moment.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You quickly answered before she stood up.

You threw your arms around her as the girls held their phones up to record the precious and loving moment that they'd surely post and brag about later.

"I'm so happy! I'm so in love with you," you said and watched through your tears as she slipped the ring on your finger.

"Me too, baby girl. You're perfect." She smiled. "I'm so, so in love with you too my beautiful fiancée," she said and held you tightly in her arms.

The girls all stopped filming so they could join in on the hug while the fans loudly screamed and you and Tzuyu cried a few happy tears, so ready to spend the rest of your lives together.

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