small bump (requested)

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Tzuyu's eyes flew open when she went to wrap her arms around you, only to find that your side of the bed was empty and the sheets were cold.

It worried her instantly.

The last few weeks, your mornings have consisted of you waking up early and running right into the bathroom to get sick as morning sickness continues to hit.

Not seeing you anywhere and noticing that the bathroom door was closed, Tzuyu first thought that you had snuck out of bed and closed the door so you wouldn't wake her getting sick this morning.

But, just as she got ready to get out of bed and check on you, the bathroom door opened and you stepped out in a towel wrapped around your body.

"Oh, you're awake." You said as your eyes met hers. "Good morning, Tzuyu."

"Good morning, my love." She smiled back at you and watched as you went to the closet. "You seem to be feeling good this morning."

"I do!" You said as your towel dropped to the floor while you grabbed one of her shirts from the closet. "I'm not feeling sick at all and I'm actually hungry. Can we go out for breakfast?"

You turned around to face your girlfriend, about to pull her shirt over your head.

Tzuyu was about to reply when she noticed something.

"Wait a second..." She said and got out of bed, walking to you.

You pulled the shirt down only for her to push it back up when she reached your side.

"What?" You asked and looked down at your stomach, where her gaze rested.

That's when you noticed it. The small bump.

She gasped and stared at you with the brightest eyes you've ever seen.

"You have a bump!" She smiled and stared at the little bump in awe, mesmerized by it. "It's the most precious thing I've ever seen!"

You almost felt like you could cry as it sank in.

It was yet another sign that you were actually growing a little human in there; one you and Tzuyu have been wanting and waiting for, for so long.

It's taken a lot to get here.

A lot of tests, a lot of going through different options with a few different doctors before finally choosing the one that felt best, and now, you've got a little human on the way soon.

It's exciting, although it hasn't been the most wonderful and exciting experience at all times. The morning sickness, the fatigue, the mood swings - it's all difficult to handle sometimes but Tzuyu has been there through it all. It feels more and more real every day and this only makes you more excited.

"Our adorable little baby is in there." Tzuyu grinned as she brushed her nose against yours.

She put her hand on your stomach and squealed in excitement.

"This is the happiest I've ever been." She said as she stared up at you. "These last few weeks make everything we went through to get here so worth it."

"I agree." You smiled and she gave you a quick kiss before pulling you.

"I will take you to breakfast and get you anything you want. But first, I need a photo. I have to show the girls and our families this adorable sight!" She said excitedly as she knelt down, brushing her lips against your stomach, swearing that she'd never been more in love or happier in all of her life than she was right now.

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