you are my one and only (requested)

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"Are you done yet?" Tzuyu whined as she came up behind you in the kitchen, hugging you from behind as you got yourself some water. "C'mon, my love. Let's go watch the movie."

You couldn't help but giggle as she tugged at your hand and made sure you had your glass of water before making you follow her into the living room.

"You could've started on it, Tzuyu. I already know everything that's going to happen." You said as you raised your eyebrows at her.

That last part was very true. Because the movie you're watching together tonight is your movie.

It's your newest film, an action-comedy with a little romance, too.

It's your favorite film you've ever done so far and you're so happy to see the love and praise it's getting from critics and fans.

It means the world to you, always.

"But I didn't want to watch it without you. It's your film, watching it with you will make this even more amazing. So, curl up to me. Get all cozy. Let's start watching it!"

Her enthusiasm melted your heart and you hit play on the remote before laying your cheek on her shoulder.

You only ever took your eyes off the screen during the first twenty minutes to watch Tzuyu. Her reaction was everything to you as she laughed at the funny parts and cheered your character on.

She was so in love with the film, every second of it, and though others might think she's biased with who her favorite character is, she's so proud of you and can't take her eyes off of you in every scene, and she'd surely be sharing that with the world later on.

However, there was one scene that made her feel a little uncomfortable watching.

She heard about the romance in this film but she didn't expect it to be like this.

She thought that, when it came to your character and your love interest in the film, you'd share a peck on the lips or hold hands or kiss each other's cheeks.

But what she was actually seeing was basically making out, so steamily she was surprised your characters still had your clothes on.

You turned to look at her reaction and you weren't surprised to find her looking anywhere but at the tv screen.

The sound of your lips touching your co-stars made her eyes roll and she folded her arms and clenched her jaw as she kept her gaze on the wall.



"Are you okay, baby?" You asked as you put your hand on her thigh. "Why aren't you watching the film?"

"You already know the answer to that question." She grumbled and you couldn't help but chuckle as you gently cupped her cheeks in your hands and made her look at you.

"Someone's jealous, huh?"

She rolled her eyes once more and tried to look away from you but you didn't let her.

"Tzuyu, baby, it's only a movie."

"Maybe but I don't like seeing you kiss someone else!" She said. "I know it probably sounds stupid and you might be upset but it's hard to watch you kiss someone else, even though it's not real."

You brushed your thumbs across her cheeks.

"I just don't like it. You're mine." She pouted. "I know this is your job and you know I support you one-hundred percent. But I just don't want to see you make out with another girl."

"Baby, I understand. I was only messing with you. I knew you would probably be a little uncomfortable with it. I'm not mad and I won't be upset at all if you want me to skip this scene."

She thought about it for a second as she put her hands on your hips and sighed quietly.

"Just always remember something. You are my one and only. I love you more than anything and every kiss you see in films and shows that I do is scripted and fake. It's all for a movie. But every kiss we share is because we love each other, very much. That won't ever change."

She smiled to herself before kissing your lips softly.

"You swear you won't be upset if I ask you to fast-forward this part? I'll feel a little guilty."

"Don't. I'd rather you be comfortable and enjoy watching something I'm in rather than stare at a wall and clench your jaw because you're so jealous of the person that I kiss."

She rolled her eyes once more.

"Teasing." You grinned before kissing her once more. "I don't mind. I love you."

"I love you too."

The scene only had a few seconds left so you didn't have to fast forward it for very long and Tzuyu was so happy that you were so understanding.

After the next scene started, you put your head back on Tzuyu's shoulder and put your arms around her as she did the same to you, holding you as close as she could as she kissed your head and stared at you adoringly; so very proud of you.

Tzuyu Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now