28- Reluctant Goodbyes

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Unfortunately, it wasn't raining today. My flight won't be delayed or anything. I scowled and wore a coco brown lipstick and white stone studs.

Sabil's gaze followed me while I moved around in the room. I shoved the shirt and the shorts that I wore earlier into the duffle bag. I wore my off white sneakers and I'm good to go.

I looked at Sabil, who was leaning against the bed backrest. "Okay! I'm ready, all I need is my ticket."

His eyes were hard. He went on staring at me with unreadable expressions. I waited for a long moment but he sat there immobile. I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes. He blinked and looked down at his legs. Then he got on his toes and walked towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"So it's goodbye then?" He asked huskily and I could sense the sorrow behind his voice. I couldn't speak. My eyes were locked with his hard eyes. None of us spoke. I tried to let the fact sink in that within a few minutes I'm going to step out that door, leaving Sabil, forever.

I tried to move my lips but my tears moved down my cheeks first. Even though I was half asleep, I remembered every word he'd said to me last night. I couldn't tell him that I heard everything because he'd trusted that I was asleep and shared his feelings. Maybe he didn't want to say it to me directly and embarrass himself.

I closed my eyes and more warm thick tears rolled down. I sighed. "It's a goodbye." I croaked.

Sabil pulled me into his arms and welded his hands tightly around my back. I held him tight from his waist and pressed my ears against his heart. It was beating rapidly. I could hear its erratic thumping. I sobbed. After we unwillingly pulled away from each other, he cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips.

"I hope you always be happy." He said.

I gave a small smile to him.

"Guzman has your ticket. You will leave with him in a private cab. He'll help you with your luggage." He stated.

"You aren't coming to the airport?" I was disappointed.

He shook his head softly. His lugubrious eyes were making me feel uneasy in my stomach.

"I cant Cariño. I don't care about myself but if those Mexicans are still keeping an eye then they'll attack. They might not kill me but they'll hurt you just to break me. And I can't let that happen."

I nodded.

"Keep your luggage here. The staff will bring them down." He said and held my hand.

I took my handbag and duffle bag with me. Before closing the bedroom door, I looked at our bed for the last time. New tears oozed in my eyes and with a sinking heart, I closed the door shut. I kept one hand on the white railing of the stairs, feeling it for the last time against my fingers and another hand tightly gripped with Sabil's hand.

We stepped out the entrance door and found Emilio and Julio standing near the fountain. I walked towards Julio first and he smiled at me. I smiled back and wrapped my hands around his waist. I could feel by his sudden tensing posture, that I took him by surprise.

"Take care of yourself, Julio. Get well soon." I said while my head was on his shoulder.

He patted my back softly. "I will. Go home safe and please try never to return. You're not safe here anymore."

I pulled myself away and nodded with a smile.

The tears didn't relax. But I tried to keep smiling through the tears. Then I walked to Emilio. I looked in his blue eyes and said, "I hope Enrique turns out to be as amazing as his dad. Let him take whatever scope he wants in his career. Even if he wants to become a singer." I said by rolling my eyes and a smile playing on my lips.

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