31- Mission

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Jorge was coming back from a private jet. Of course, these people never travel by public aircraft, because then they cannot carry their weapons. Emilio, Polito, Daniel, and the five new shooters that we hired for abducting Jorge, were somewhere near the private airport. We had to get past Jorge's security and get our hands on him anyhow.

If we miss him today, we will never be able to get close to him again. They'll be extra alert and might just come to my place and start killing everyone for all I know.

Julio was resting in his apartment. Even though he wanted to be there with us, I could not take such a risk. It was just the day before when he had been shot. He hadn't even started healing properly.

I called Emilio.

"Update," I demanded while driving. Guzman was sitting on the passenger seat with his gun.

"The jet will be landing in an hour Señor."
Emilio responded.

"Are you guys hiding in a safe place?"

"Si Señor. We are farther away from the airport and their men who are waiting outside the airport. We'll come to know when their cars are on the freeway."

"That's good. I'll be there in twenty minutes." I said and disconnected.

"Are Francisco and Miguel with Alberto in the farmhouse?" I asked Guzman.

"Si. Alberto is in pretty bad shape."

I sighed. "We'll kill him as soon as we abduct Jorge."

Alberto is one of Roberto's men. He is just the ordinary one from the group who uses his gun whenever it's needed. We could only manage to abduct him two weeks ago. We wanted someone to give us some news on Jorge and Roberto's plans. No one will notice if an ordinary shooter is missing. Even after beating the shit out of him, we couldn't get much on Roberto and Jorge's plans from him.

We reached where our men were waiting and Emilio was explaining to them about the mission. Everyone was armed. Ropes and the gags were ready. I went up to Polito and high-fived him. Polito was the youngest in the group. He was a twenty-one year old, skinny, tall, and very boyish with brown curly hair and dark eyes. He had freckles on his nose and cheekbones. I really admired him. He was always in a good mood and he can give a tough competition to the best snipers across the world. Daniel was there too. I high-fived him as well and motivated both of them by telling them how much I appreciate their skills.

Daniel was around 6ft tall. Almost my height. He was bald, dark skin and his physique were leonine. His ancestors were from Kenya but his grandfather had moved to Spain when he was thirty years of age.

Daniel was twenty-four years old and he was a complete opposite of Polito. Where Polito liked making jokes and laugh at almost everything, Daniel was always serious and I don't think I've ever seen him smile in the last one year. But he was almost as good as Polito. His shots were amazing.

We waited patiently while one of our members who were around the airport in disguise to inform us when Jorge leaves in his car. There were of course three cars waiting outside the airport with securities to receive Jorge, but we were well prepared.

Guzman received a call that Jorge just got in his car and we all quickly left after him. As we got on the freeway we saw their cars ahead of us. Guzman and I were in a dark blue Toyota Highlander with Polito, who was sitting on the rear passenger seat to get in his position on the rear window as soon as the firing begins. Daniel was with Emilio in another black Toyota Highlander, ready in his position at the rear window.

Other men were in other cars right behind us. Guzman drove the car and got his gun ready. I had my gun ready with me and more in the glove compartment. All of us carried 50 calibre bullets because Jorge would never travel in a car that doesn't have bulletproof glass. We first had to lure them out of the freeway. We couldn't let innocents get hurt.

As we came next to one security car, I took a shot at the window. But unluckily the bullet was hit on the panel by the window. A tumult of screaming and howling broke out on the road. Everyone from the other security cars got quickly alert and they started coming out their windows and taking a shot at us. We had to lure them out so all our cars, except my car, took a left turn and got off the roads on the empty landscapes. Jorge's security cars followed them. But we were well aware that Jorge's car will stay on the road.

We had to follow his car no matter what. One of the snipers leaned out from the window of Jorge's Silver Nissan GT-R and pointed his gun at us. Guzman and I leaned out from our windows and shot on their tires but missed it. The sniper took a shot but we immediately ducked when I screamed "Duck" and hoped that Polito had followed my order. The bullet broke through the glass. I immediately whipped my head behind too see Polito, only to find his head hanging down.

My breath was stuck in my lungs. "Hey, you okay?" I asked.

"Si Señor. " He replied while looking up at me.

I sighed in relief.

We heard the gunshots at the far distance. We had to get to Jorge before our people or the innocents on the road could get hurt.

"Speed up," I screamed. Guzman increased the speed and the car went zooming ahead, almost crashing into other cars. Out of fear the other cars and bikes quickly moved farther left or stopped their vehicles to let us pass by.

The streams of profanities and curses began from the people on the road as we passed through them. Guzman almost caught up to the silver Nissan when the sniper from Jorge's car was about to fire again. I leaned out the window and took a clear shot at him. The bullet hit his forehead and he laid dead on the window, his body hanging loose and the gun fell on the road. Then someone pulled him inside.

"Señor there's another one of the security cars behind us," Polito said.

"Get on your position," I ordered. Guzman opened the rear window and Polito positioned his sniper rifle out the window.

I was looking at the black car behind us through the rearview mirror. Polito's head was bent on the rifle and he looked through the scope lens.

The driver of the black security car and the other sniper on the passenger seat leaned their heads and half body out their windows and pointed their guns towards our car. I looked ahead and Jorge leaned out his window with another man from another window and pointed out their guns at us.

I pulled the slide on my gun and was getting ready to lean out the window when I heard the fire shot. It sounded like the bullet was hit on the panel above the back tires. I looked through the rearview mirror and Polito took a shot at the driver's forehead and the car went swaying on the road.

Guzman was already leaning out the window and took a shot. It hit the tires and their car screeched and swayed on the road. Jorge took a shot at me, but I ducked down. The bullet hit the bonnet. I laughed. "Loser". I said under my breath.

I then leaned out and shot at him but he scooted inside the car and their car went off the road and rolled over. Guzman immediately followed.

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