22- Emilio

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My eyes flew open from the loud pattering on the window. The sudden torrential downpour made my heart jump in my chest. I sighed in relief when I realized it was just the rain. The thick black clouds had totally engulfed the sky. It was still afternoon but it looked like late evening.

Emilio turned on the headlights and drove carefully through the rutted road. The car's speed was now slow so it bounced softly. I looked behind just to be sure if Guzman and Julio were following. I saw the white headlights right behind us and sighed in relief.

Sabil didn't seem to get startled by the rain. Both his hands were now welded around my right arm and his cheek was on my shoulder, his eyes were closed and it looked like he had drifted off to sleep. I ran my fingers softly through his bronze smooth hair a couple of times and then planted a kiss.

"Emilio?" I called him softly.

He looked at me through the rearview mirror. He had taken off his sunglasses. I noticed his dark blue eyes. "Si Señorita?" He responded.

"How much time will it take to reach?" I asked.

"We still haven't hit the main road. It will take more than seventy minutes."

"Oh god!" I murmured.

I decided to rest my eyes for a while. I placed my cheek on Sabil's hair and closed my eyes. The rain kept splashing against the window. After a while, the car didn't bounce anymore. I opened my eyes and noticed we were now on the freeway through the windshield. Because there were no trees here, the road looked brighter.

The rain kept pouring heavily. I witnessed the sheet lightning forming inside the clouds and the thunder rumbling.

Sabil had started snoring softly. I smiled and kissed his hair. I couldn't sleep. Though it was all over for the time being, my heart still kept pounding. They could come again. Now that we are on the road, we could get attacked by them again. I decided to speak with Emilio until we reach home.

"Emilio?" I called him softly.

"Si?" He answered in a whisper.

"Will you please tell me who these people are?"

"Perdon Señorita. I'm not allowed to." He said apologetically.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not asking about the illicit thing that got him into this mess. I only want to know who those people are and why are they trying to kill him?"

"They are Mexicans and Señor did not make the deal that they wanted to. That's all I know." He replied.

I shook my head in disbelief and looked out the window at the rain. No one was ready to give me any details and it really frustrated me. I decided to continue chatting anyway.

"So, where are you from Emilio?"

"I'm from Murcia."

"Is your family back in Murcia?"

"Si. I have a wife and a son. My parents passed away when I was twenty years old."

"Why risk your life when you have a son?"

"Señor pays really well. I cannot find a job better than this. Besides, Señor has done a lot for my family. He got all of us insurance. Even to Guzman and Julio and their families. If anything happens to me, my family's future is secure. My son studies in one of the best schools."

I looked at Sabil's sleeping face with reverence. I kissed his hair again.

"How old is your son?" I asked.

Emilio looked at me through the mirror again. He had a smile on his face. "He is seven years old."

"What's his name?" I asked with a smile.

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