41- Farewell Old Friend

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The next morning I prepared myself to face Rex and Octavio's wife. We left Francisco and Miguel in the farmhouse to look after Roberto. I allowed one glass of water and one dry bread for him. He'd bled a lot and passed out.

Before leaving, I first gagged his mouth then took a knife and squeezed the pointy end deep inside the laceration. His throaty shrill even with his mouth gagged, almost hurt my ears.

When I located the bullet, I pushed it out slowly. It tore through his mussels making the thick warm blood ooze out and then when it was visible on top, I gave it a push with the knife and it went flying across the room. Roberto started fighting for a breath. He tried to indicate to me to take the gag out of his mouth. I knew he wanted to breathe better with his mouth open. But I didn't move the gag and cleaned my knife with a dry cloth.

Roberto was drifting into unconsciousness again. I tore the hem of his shirt and tied it around his wound to staunch the bleeding. I wanted him to stay alive until I return.

I went home and changed into my black suit for the funeral. Everyone gathered at the graveyard. I noticed a pregnant woman, sobbing uncontrollably. She was slender, dark shoulder-length hair, olive skin, and short. Then I noticed Rex. Standing near a tree. He was blond, tall, handsome features and had grey eyes. It'd been more than a year since I'd last seen him. I had no courage to talk to him or Octavio's wife.

Polito, Octavio, and Lucas's bodies were brought in the caskets. My heart dropped to the soles of my feet when I saw Polito's face. He'd turned so white. His lips were grey and dry. His hands resting on his stomach were white as stone.

Even though I'd promised myself not to cry, I couldn't fight back my tears. I stroked the back of my fingers on his cheek. He was so cold. 'I'm sorry.' I whispered to his lifeless body.

All the while I was waiting for him to burst into a laughter. Look at all our faces and laugh. I wanted it to be one of his stupid jokes. I'd forgive him if he just came back and told us he was just acting dead. A boy that I've never seen depressed or sad in two years, was now so pale. I didn't want to believe he was gone.

Octavio's wife had thrown herself on his body. She cried shrilly. Esteban stood on the other side of his casket and cried. Rex had his head bowed down as he sobbed quietly. Daniel was standing near Polito's casket and he sobbed while looking at Polito's face. Octavio's other two men stood near Lucas's casket.

Emilio, Guzman, and Julio mourned quietly. I placed a hand on Daniel's shoulder. He turned around and hugged me. I wrapped my hands around him and let him sob. Guzman went up to Rex and patted his back while his teary eyes were on Polito.

With a sinking heart, we stood until the rituals were done. After the burial, everyone started leaving the graveyard. Octavio's wife was holding a woman's hand whom I assumed was her mother, as she walked towards the exit.

"Hola! I'm Sabil Moreno." I introduced myself while walking next to her.

She looked at me with red puffy eyes. Her sombre eyes pinched my heart.

"Octavio was working for you?" She croaked.

I nodded. "Si. I'm the reason you lost him. I'm really sorry." I said.

She paused and earnestly looked at me.

"It's not your fault. It ought to happen someday. He'd chosen a wrong path. But I love..d him." She broke down again.

I placed my hand on her shoulder. Her mother had started sobbing too.

"I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do, please let me know."

She didn't reply and continued crying while looking down.

"Listen," I said and rubbed my hands together.
"I'm willing to bear the expenses of your child's education."

Her head snapped up. She looked at me in bewilderment.

"Please allow me to do it."

"Why?" She asked.

"Octavio's gone because of me. I want to make it up to you for your loss. He was a good man."

"You are not like the others." She whispered, still looking at me in bewilderment.

I creased my brows. "What do you mean?"

"He'd worked with others before. He fought for them and got shot and stabbed a couple of times. But he only got paid for his work. Once the contract was over, no one even bothered about him or his men. You're the first one who's taking his responsibility."

I sighed. "Umm.. Look Señora. I'm nothing like these people. I am just a businessman who was only focusing on his work and family until one day everything fell apart when some Drug Mafia tried to kill my mother. That's why I had to hire all these people. Your husband sacrificed his life for me. I owe him this much."

I then took out my business card from my trousers pocket. "This is my card. Call me anytime. For anything you need. Financially, I'm always there for you and I'll take care of your child's education until the time he or she starts earning."

She took the card from my hand and I saw a small smile on her face. I saw hope in her eyes. And then finally the heaviness was lifted from my chest. By helping Octavio's family I wanted to return his debt for sacrificing himself for me. She nodded with the same smile. "Gracias." She said and left with her mother. I sighed in relief.

But I wasn't totally relieved. I still had to face Rex. I found him standing near the gate with Daniel.

I walked up to him. As he saw me coming, he threw a dirty look at me. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. Daniel's back was towards me. I wrapped my hand around Daniel's shoulder from behind and his head immediately whipped towards me. His eyes were lugubrious but the tears had dried.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "Si Señor." He said and then looked at Rex. "I'll call you sometime man." He said and hugged Rex.

After Daniel left, Rex looked at me with irate eyes, waiting for me to speak.

I cleared my throat. "I know you must be hating me right now."

"Yes." He said blatantly.

"Look, Rex. I loved Polito. We all did. It was my mistake. I shouldn't have involved him in such a big mission."

Rex's eyes were welling up with tears. He didn't speak but continued staring at me.

"I'm sorry Rex. I'm so sorry."

A teardrop rolled down his cheek. "I can't hate you even if I want to Mr Moreno. You know why?" He said while choking on his tears.

My chest got heavy again and my stomach twisted uneasily. Rex reminded me of Polito a lot. Though they were step-brothers, there were a lot of similarities between the two. I inhaled sharply, trying hard to hold back my tears.

"Because Polito loved you." He said when I didn't answer. "Because he really respected you. He said you were like a big brother to him. I hated him for saying that because I've made a lot of sacrifices for my little brother. But then I saw that y'all are like a family. Daniel was always there with him, guiding him.

Look I know this was going to happen someday because of the profession that he'd chosen for himself. But Polito was the best sniper. I let him take this career because I saw how good he was and this was his passion. But death only needs an excuse, isn't it? Daniel told me how it happened." His lower lip trembled and the tears started rapidly streaming down his face.

My heart was pounding against my ribs. I couldn't forgive myself. Rex lost his brother because of me. He'd done so much for Polito and now that was all gone because Polito chose to die for me. I placed my hand on his shoulder to console him but he shrugged his shoulder away from my hand. I looked down at my foot and sighed.

"Rex. Is there anything I can do for you?" I then looked at him.

His eyes were red and swollen. "There's nothing you can do Mr Moreno. My brother is gone. He was all I wanted."

"I understand. But if you ever need anything...."

"No thanks." He said and walked out of the gate.

A tear escaped my eye. I brushed it off with my thumb.

I gave Octavio's men their payments. I paid extra. They went back home. I left for the farmhouse with the rest of my men.

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