38- Fight

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We walked out of the cabin and everyone went towards the spare elevator on the west side. Four of my men took the fainted bouncers, by taking their arms around their necks and went into the elevator.

Mojo and I waited for the director of the company. Emilio got him out of the guest washroom. He must be in his sixties. Semi bald, short, wrinkly face, and blue eyes. His mouth was gagged. His eyes were aghast. He started to whimper when he saw me. I almost felt bad for doing this to him.

I motioned Emilio to take off the cloth from his mouth. When Emilio untied the knot, the director, Mr Diaz joined his hands in front of me and tried to speak through trembling lips. The man was shivering out of fear and his voice was wavery.

I couldn't make out any word he said. I walked towards him and he took a step back and softly collided with Mojo. But his fearful eyes were fixed on me. I cupped my hands around his and smiled.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble. I promise no harm will come to you. You see, this man Roberto is a very dangerous person. I had to abduct him and that's why I needed your office and your name. But you have to promise to keep your mouth shut, else I can't guarantee what my men will do to you. Can you keep this little mission as our secret?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Good. If you need any help in the future, I'm just a call away. You've helped us today and I'm indebted to you. Don't worry we don't kill innocents." I assured him.

I could see the fear in his eyes was slowly melting into relief. He looked down and sighed.

"I won't ever tell anyone about this Mr Moreno." He promised.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you, Mr Diaz. And don't worry we'll take care of his men waiting outside your office."

He nodded softly.

We left the premises and I got in the car with Roberto inside. Daniel took Roberto's hat and went to the front of the premises with Octavio, his men, Julio, Polito, and Mojo to distract Roberto's security.

Emilio was driving the car I was into. Guzman and I sat on either side of Roberto. We all left for the farmhouse while my mind was occupied with worrying about my men, who had gone to step into the fire by provoking Roberto's security. We didn't want any firing around Mr Diaz's office so I asked them to lure Roberto's security out without using guns and lead them towards the farmhouse.

Emilio took the quite isolated road like always. I was relieved as the first step was successful. I had taken away Roberto's firearm and he won't make the mistake of attacking us physically with his hands tied behind his back.

The thought of his men who must be hot on my people's tail made me anxious. I couldn't afford to lose anyone of them.

Roberto looked at me and groaned softly, indicating me to take off the cloth. Guzman untied the knot and he exhaled.

"Let's talk in a civilized manner, Moreno." He said.

"Yes. As soon as we reach my farmhouse."

"You don't have to do this. You know you can't win. My men will kill each one of you. You're outnumbered, you know that right?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "All I want is for you to die. My men will take care of everything else. And once you're dead, what your people have left to fight for?"

Roberto stared at me in suspicion. I smirked at him.

He was aghast when he understood what I meant.
"You bastard. You killed Jorge." He spat.

I laughed lowly. "Of course I killed him."

"You're not a man of your word. You moron." He growled.

I leaned softly towards him so my face was closer to his. "I've made you taste your own medicine, Roberto."

His eyes were dark malevolent. His lips pulled back in a teeth-bearing grimace.

"YOU.ARE.DEAD." He enunciated through his teeth.

I smirked and leaned back in my seat. Guzman gagged him again and Roberto kept groaning. As I stopped talking with Roberto, the anxiety returned. I called Polito. He picked in the first ring.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"They are right behind us Señor. No firing has started yet." He said.

"Good. Try to keep it that way until we reach the farmhouse. What about those two unconscious bouncers?"

"We've gagged them and tied their hands. They're up and they tried to break free but Julio and I elbowed them in their face and their nose is bleeding." Polito chuckled. "It was so cool." He triumphed.

His childish talks almost made me smile.

"Alright! Be alert now."

"Si Señor."

It was a quiet ride then. Roberto was shaken by Jorge's death news. His eyes were fixed on the road through the windshield. For the first time in my life, I'd seen moroseness in Roberto's eyes. He cared a great deal about Jorge and his mother. They were like a family.

As we reached the farmhouse, Emilio and Guzman took Roberto into the barn. He walked quietly with them without any protest. Guzman made him smell chloroform so that he's out while we dealt with his people.

Then we ran towards the meadow, from where the road was visible and hid behind trees, ready in position with our guns. Guzman called Julio and turned on the speakerphone.

"Where are you guys?" Guzman asked.

"We are ten minutes away. They took a shot at my car but missed it."

"Where are the others?"

"Ahead of me. We are speeding towards the farmhouse."

"Alright. We are behind the trees of the curvy lane that goes towards the farmhouse. We're in a ready position."

"Okay! Just five minutes now." He said and disconnected.

As we waited, we saw one of our car approaching. And then the other and then the other right on its tail. We waved at them. As they saw us, they stopped their cars on the landscape and jumped out with their firearms. Roberto's security cars were in the view now.

Guzman took a shot at the tire and it screeched as the tire got flat. All our men quickly parked the cars off the road on the muddy landscape and jumped out with their firearms and knives. They hid around the trees in the meadow.

The firing started from both sides. I took down two men. No one had any idea if our men were getting hurt as well. I saw Esteban on my far left, hurl a knife at someone. The knife got stabbed into the man's side neck. A fountain of blood squirted from his neck as he collapsed.

Roberto may be the most dangerous man, but his men were sort of cowards. Some of them quickly got in the car and ran away. Polito easily took down three men without even moving from his position. Daniel was nowhere to be seen. The sound of gunfire and shrill screams continued in the meadow.

I ran towards the east when I saw one of them shooting at Octavio's man but missing it because he was smartly hiding on the other side of the tree and then leaning at the right moment and trying to take a shot at Roberto's man. His back was towards me.

I walked slowly towards him and then lurched myself at him by curling my hand around his neck, choking him. Octavio's man saw me and ran towards someone else to shoot. I pulled out the combat knife from my waistband and slit his throat. He choked on his blood as it spewed out his mouth and neck and he fell dead on the ground.

Mr. Imperfectionist 1Where stories live. Discover now