Chapter 1

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I woke up and stared at the ceiling. Madge was gone, most likely in the kitchen. We moved into one of the Victor Village's houses. My old one still contains my brothers and mother.
I still don't know where my father is. It almost seems like everyone I loved is gone, my friends and family. I know know is behind this.
"Peeta!" Madge calls me.
I sit up, wipe the sleep from my eyes, and put on some clothes.

• • •

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Madge was fixing a plate of toast and bacon, her eight month belly bulging. I got some coffee and sat at the table.
"There you are," Madge sat across from me. "I was wondering if you were even alive."
I swished the coffee around in my mug.
I didn't really love Madge, it was just expected of me to find someone.
Snow said so.
Madge knew, she understood how the Capital could be. I just wish I didn't have to pretend. I knew it was killing her inside, how were we suppose to raise a child who's parents didn't even love each other?
I took a sip of my coffee.
"You know," I stared into my cup. "I've been thinking of the rebellion again. I thought maybe if we-"
"Peeta enough!" Her hand was on her forehead.
"I agree with you, honestly, I do. But it's not going to happen, sweetheart. You have to accept that. You can try until you get yourself dead, but I don't want our child born into a war." she got up and stomped out.

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